seven minutes

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You'd agreed to come to this party with your sister Isabella because you were bored and it was spring break. You didn't know most of her friends that well, but everything was still going fine. You just stuck to following Auli'i around because she was the one that you have met the most times.

"Haven't seen you in awhile. How've you been?" She asks.

"I'm not working yet, so I've just been busy with school till we got off for break. Did not do too well on my last quiz, though, I'm afraid."

"I'm sure you did your best, that's what matters."

"I did, but my Mom was a little harsh." You sigh.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I just think it sucks when all the academic stuff's on my shoulders. When Isa's...never mind."

"No, no, it's okay. I don't mind. You seem like you need to get that off your chest is all."

"Isa's my best friend, my sister and I love her. But when all the positivity seems to only be going to her while I get the constant pressure to do well in school and extracurriculars, it gets...a lot." You continue, "She knows our parents are hard on me and she stands up for me all the time but it never sticks."

"I'm really sorry, Y/N." Auli'i puts a hand on yours, "I'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to. Just call me or text me...anything and I'll respond as soon as I can."

"I am such, a wet blanket." You glance at her while apologising.

"Don't say that. I'm glad I could be a listening ear." She assured, "Do you feel better? Do you wanna something to drink or a snack?" You saw that she was looking at your finished glass of lemonade. "I honestly-"

"Okay, guys. Game time!" Isabella's voice interrupts your reply, "We're doing spin the bottle."

You groan, "Can we ditch?" "No, not yet." Auli'i laughs, "Let's just play for awhile." She outstretches her hand to help you up, which you gratefully accepted, "Okay." "Couple rounds and we'll go somewhere else." She says. "Really? You promise?"


"We'll take turns to spin the bottle, whoever it lands on...those two have to stay in the bathroom for seven minutes together." Isabella explains, "Not gonna force you guys to make out, but...let's get the game started."

Teala started off the game and the bottle landed on Tyler. They went with it and just stayed in the bathroom for seven minutes then walked back out. But unluckily for you at the next round, the bottle you spun had landed on Auli'i. You mentally cussed and thought about how you should've just quietly left the party before the game despite Auli'i trying to persuade you. But now, you had to be stuck in the same room as her. Not had to like you hated her, but had to, like you honestly can't handle being alone with her because of how afraid you were of making a complete fool of yourself in front of her. You really liked her, but never really got the guts to even hint that to her.

And now, here you were in this stupid, stupid, situation.

"Come on, get!" Isabella shooed them.

"I don't want to." You whine. The crowd of her friends simply just kept encouraging you while Auli'i saw how desperately you wanted to get the hell out of there.

"We're not gonna make out." Auli'i announced, "We're just spending seven minutes in there so that our turn's done."

"Yeah, sure." You hear someone comment and you sigh, getting up from the floor and following her into the bathroom.

~~ • ~~

You lean against the sink countertop, arms folded right as she shut the bathroom door.

"Damn, we should've just left."

You chuckle in response as she made herself comfortable, barely sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

"This game is so weird."

She agrees with you, "It's a common game, but having two people in a confined space together for seven minutes when they probably don't really know each other is kinda awkward. I'm glad I'm in here with you though, and not someone else."

You smile back at her, "Yeah, me too."

Silence soon began to feel the room, although the sound of quiet chatter could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Oh, my god- can you believe if we're just suddenly kissing each other? I mean, I've never kissed anyone before but-" You began to ramble.

"I mean..." She interjects, "I definitely wouldn't be opposed to that."

"Hm?" You locked eyes with her while she was walking over to you, "You mean-"

She nods, pulling you in. You feel her breath against your face as you began feeling unsure as to where you should be looking. The familiar, lingering smell of her perfume hits your nose she leans in closer, her hand going up the nape of your neck to the back of your head and tangled in your hair. You decide to go for it and leaned in close enough for a kiss. It seems that she had the same idea.

It started off really sweet, her lips brushing against yours delicate like the wings of a butterfly...but then, the kiss deepens as your bodies pressed together, becoming heated and the two of you were beginning to fight for a breath. You pull away breathlessly, "Do you think things will be awkward later?"

"No, I really don't think so." She answers quickly then connected her lips with yours again, kissing you feverishly. You gave in to it, letting her lead you as you couldn't help but smile into the kiss a little.

You could get used to this.

It was the seven minutes to change your life forever.

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Tuesday, 4 April 2023

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