Screw The Flu

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For the past three days, you've been pretty much bedridden because you had come down with the flu. And when you're sick, you had the bad habit of ignoring just about anything and everything in order to sleep. So while your girlfriend was busy with meetings, interviews and photo shoots, she would text you to keep you updated— as usual. But your replies worried her- they were drier than the desert. And it takes you forever to get back to her. Oh, and the cherry on top of the cake was the fact that you very conveniently left out the fact that you were actually sick. You just drifted and responding to anyone came to be at the bottom of your list of priorities.

Drifting in and out of restless sleep, your aching stomach made it hard for you to be quiet. Or get any restful sleep, actually. Wrapping yourself tightly in your blanket cocoon of safety, you shut your eyes in hopes of actually getting some rest. But of course, getting what you wanted has not been possible so far.

Maybe it was the fatigue that finally took over and allowed you to rest, or maybe you passed out from being so dizzy- but whatever it was. You woke up about three hours later and you nearly flew out of bed because you weren't alone. "O-oh my God." You swallowed thickly, breathing erratic due to being startled, "Auli'i- why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be-"

"Shh." Auli'i shushed you, peeling the heavy blanket off your body, "It's okay, it's just me. Work was done so I thought I'd come by to see you."

You whined telling her that you were cold, but she doesn't let you pull the blanket back up. "Come on, I'm gonna help you take a shower."

You declined.

"Baby, you're all sweaty. It's got to be so uncomfortable, y/n." Her gaze softens, her hand on your forearm.

"I don't wanna move." You told her shakily, "I feel like I'm about to projectile vomit all over the bed."

"That's okay, I'll help you to the bathroom and everything." She caresses your cheek, feeling how warm you actually were. She got up and went to pick out a new set of clothes for you, laying the stack down on the dresser, she helped you up. You resisted. "Baby, you know I can lift you up, and I will." She tells you. Before you could even say anything, that's what she did. Auli'i had just picked you up bridal style and took you into the bathroom connected to your room.

"I'm cold." You sniffled.

"I know, baby. I'm sorry." She answered while turning the tap to the hot water side and turning it on so the water would start running. The sound of the water falling from the shower and hitting the floor soon filled the space. But also the warmth from the hot water- which was nice. "C'mon, arms up." She says, tugging at the hem of your t-shirt. You did as she told you to and she pulls the shirt over your head gently. And since you were seated on the sink countertop, she was bound to have a bit of a struggle removing your shorts and underwear since you could barely stand up with her help."Honey, can you stand?" She asks, but decided against having you stand, "Never mind. I'm just gonna have you lift up your- yeah, that's it. Okay."

Auli'i tosses your clothes into the laundry hamper then quickly grabbed the plastic chair from a corner of your bathroom for you to sit on in the shower. "Come here, it's alright." Auli'i's arm was snaked around your waist tightly to make sure you didn't fall, "Sit down. And I'm just gonna help you shower."

You were hearing what she was telling you, but you just couldn't form a single thought. You were simply so uncomfortable that you just zoned out and let the time pass.

It didn't take her all that long since she didn't wash your hair to spare you from feeling cold and shivering. That could wait. "Did you take anything for the fever?" Auli'i asks while helping you get dressed.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now