she's sick

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You were seated at the dining table with your laptop in front of you. You were doing a report as requested by your boss, thankful that you got to work from home today and tomorrow. You got to wake up a little later and you were glad to get the extra sleep.

As you were thinking about how to put a certain idea into words, your thoughts were interrupted by your phone ringing.

The caller ID states: Auli'i. However, whoever answered you when you picked up the call was not your girlfriend.


"Y/N? It's Zendaya. I just wanted to give you a little heads up, I'm sending Auli'i home. She got sick on set."

"Oh, no. I'll come pick her up, you don't have to-"

"Oh, don't worry about it. I was already done for the day, went to use the bathroom before heading home...but I saw her there throwing up."

"Alright. Thanks."

"No problem, we'll be there soon."

You put down your phone and carried on with your work, but you just couldn't help but worry about Auli'i. You tried to get as much of your work done as possible, knowing that once she was home, work would be the last thing on your mind.

You were pulled out from your thoughts by a string of knocks coming from the other side of the front door, "Y/N, it's us."

"One sec." You briskly opened the front door, letting them in, "Hi. Thanks for bringing her back."

"No worries. I think she has the flu."

"Aw." She sighed, "Come on, let's get you changed."

"I'll get going. But if you guys need anything though, don't hesitate to text me." You felt her forehead with the back of your hand and the warmth was apparent as a whimper falls from her lips. You led her to your shared bedroom as you ask, "Do you feel like you're gonna throw up again?"

"No." She sniffles, accepting the fresh set of clothes you gave her, "My stomach wasn't even hurting. I don't know why, I just threw up."

"You have a fever, babe." You rummaged through one of the drawers to look for the thermometer.

"I'll be okay." She tells you. You put the thermometer under her tongue, it beeps after a little while.

"101." You saw the reading, "I'll put the trashcan here just in case, and go get you some medicine for your fever."


You stop in your tracks, asking her what else she needed.

"Could you get me the soft, fluffy blanket. Please?"

"Sure, baby." You smile, going to gather all the items she needed. Then, you return to the bedroom. "Here's your blanket." You put down the cup of water and meds on the nightstand to drape the blanket over her. Next, you hand her the pill and water which she quickly took. "Get some rest, hm?" You sit down beside her and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"Thank you, Y/N."

~~ • ~~

At first, her sleep was rather restless. But after some time, the medication had kicked in, allowing Auli'i to be more comfortable, so she was able to get some proper rest.

You now had your laptop with you again as you sat at the desk in the room to continue working. Of course, not without occasionally turning to check on her. And while her coughing startled you every now and then, she slept pretty well. On the plus side, you'd also managed to finish that report you were working on before she came home. You checked it over, clicked 'save' and submitted it to your boss before shutting your laptop, deciding that you were officially done with work for the day. You get up to stretch, then also check on her temperature. She didn't feel warm anymore so you were able to relax somewhat. But she was definitely still sniffly and coughing.

You found yourself in the kitchen again, looking through the medicine cabinet to find something for her cough or runny nose.

Dreadfully, you woke her up from her light sleep to get her to take the medications. She drowsily did as told then barely drifted back off to sleep. "I love you so much." You exhale sharply, running a hand through her hair then leaning down to kiss her on the top of her head. "You'll be alright."

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Thursday, 20 April 2023

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