first halloween together

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"So...have you decided what we're gonna be dressing up as for halloween yet, my love?"

Auli'i just got out of the shower and was drying her hair with a towel when she plops herself beside you on the couch. "I was thinking Monica and Chandler." You cast your glance at her.

"Ooh." She was intrigued, "Huh. That would be fun. I love that."

"Really?" You ask excitedly.

"I mean, iconic. And they're cute, so. Why not, right?" Auli'i shrugs, "Now...we have to decide on the outfits."

"Oh! Let's watch the Halloween episodes and see which ones we could do." You gasp.

"On it." She got up from her seat to locate the remote then turned the TV on.

Soon, it was Halloween. You and Auli'i have been invited to a party at Tyler's. Isabella gets the door, and looks shocked for a moment. "Oh. My. God." She gasps, "I love this. Chandler and Monica? Icons."

Once you two walked in, there was an excited chatter when they realised what your costumes were. "Hey, guys!" Tyler came over to welcome the both of you, "Is this what I think it is?"

"Depends." You say to him,
"What do you think 'this is'?"

"Um...Monica and Chandler from Friends. Duh." He guffaws. "Okay, anyway, you guys have been here before, y'all know where everything is. So...go have some drinks, whatever. Go nuts."

"Sure." Auli'i shrugs.

"I'm gonna go say hi to those who've just got here, you two, enjoy."

"Thanks, Tyler." You replied as he trailed off to locate his friends who'd just arrived.

"Damn, our costumes are a hit."

"Well...I can't even say I'm surprised." You shrug, helping yourself to a can of beer. "You want one?"

"Sure." She smiles, you hand her a can.

"Auli'i, Y/N! Take some photos at the photo booth. They're a best dressed contest." Teala hollers practically from across the room. You heard her loud and clear though, then you and Auli'i joined the growing queue for it. However, it did not take long. "Oh my god. Cute." You hear someone comment but you had no idea who it was with all the spooky makeup.

— • —

"Okay, everyone! Time to see who's got the most votes!" Tyler stood on his couch with his phone in hand. "If you get an AirDropped photo of a jack-o-lantern from me, you're the winner. Let's go!"

The guests all hurry to check their phones, you were a little tipsy and unbothered by the contest. It didn't matter to you if you won or not- you were already having a hell of a good time.

Auli'i squeals, causing the crowd to turn their heads. "Alrighty, Auli'i, Y/N. Here you go- a bucket of candy and a coupon for pizza."

She laughs, taking your hand and leading you up to the front where he was. "This expires tomorrow." You point out. "I know. That's why I'm giving it away because I had a few of those coupons." He nods, "The pizza there's really good, though."

"I'm just messing with you." You chuckle.

"Thanks, Ty." Auli'i grins. You thank him as well before going on a search for something to eat.

Later, you got tired and Auli'i decides it was time to go. A few other partygoers were leaving too, so some people were obviously feeling sleepy. Or just simply didn't have anything else to do here. "Thanks for coming, you guys. I hope you two had fun."

"We did. See you soon, good night."

With that, he gives you and Auli'i a hug before you two turned and left. "Did you have fun?" She asks as she got into the driver's seat.

"I was a little nervous to be at a party and meet so many people you know for the first time, but I ended up really enjoying myself."

"That's great, babe." She gives you a big smile as she rests a hand on your thigh while driving.

Upon arriving home, the two of you quickly got changed and ready for bed- it'd been a long night. And as much fun as the party was, some good sleep was much needed.

"Good night, my love." Auli'i smooches you on the lips.

"G'night." You mirror her smile, "Can we eat pizza and watch Friends tomorrow, please?"

"When I asked you out, I said I would do anything to make you happy, and if doing that will make you happy, then that's what we'll do."

The sleepiness was slowly taking over, but when it hit you that she'd just made a reference, a smile was undoubtedly plastered on your face.

"I love you." You kissed her back.

— • —

Unedited. Published: Wednesday, 1 November 2023

It's obviously not October 31st where I am anymore, but i just thought it was a cute idea. Wanted to finish it on Halloween but I got a late shift so I couldn't write much. Hope you enjoyed.

Rest in peace, Matthew Perry. Thank you so much for all the laughs and comfort you've brought to me and millions of others❤️

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