song 2 you

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Andre glared at you, horrified, "Girl, if you don't shh-"

"She likes Auli'i?" You whispered. He nodded, "We were talking while we worked on our project together and it kinda just...slipped out. But I know you really like Auli'i too, so- what are you gonna do about that?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Because- you wanna be with Auli'i, no?"

"Yeah, I don't know how to talk to her."

"What? Y/N- she's your best friend." Andre squinted at you confusedly.

As Jade flounced through the main doors of Hollywood Arts grumbling about how disgusting Rex was, you glanced at her then focused your attention back onto Andre. "Fine. I'm scared okay? Freaking terrified."

"Y'all already act like a married couple if ya ask me." He threw his hands up in mock surrender, "Also, Auli'i's bi."

"I know that." You snorted a laugh.

"Go for it." Andre nudged.


"Any way you deem fit." He sighs exasperatedly, "How about you write her a cute little letter?"

"Please, a letter?" You scoff.

"Come on, you know what she likes. Unlike me, I'm just throwing you a suggestion." He laughs. "Ooh. How 'bout a song?"

"Yeah, right. Have you heard me sing?"

"As a matter of fact, I have. And you're good."

— • —

After cracking your brains for an idea, "Alright, a song it is." "Alright." Andre chuckles, "Want me to help you with writing it? We could write something together for sure."

"Of course, Andre. I'm not a music major." You nodded, "You are."

"Touché." Andre laughs, "Alright, how about we meet at the rec room after class ends at 3:30 today?"

"Sure, see you later, Andre." You bid him goodbye before two parted ways to go to your respective classes.

"Hey!" That voice. You froze in your seat for a good second before you turned around, "Hi, Auli'i." She flashes you a smile that instantly sent your heart racing, geez. She didn't use to have that effect on you, that's for sure. But one day, it was like a switch flipped inside of you and you couldn't be around her without sweating buckets and feeling like you might spew out nonsensical, incoherent sentences to her.

"Hey, are you going to the Friday night concert this week?"


You heard her. That was a response on reflex. "Friday night concert? Yeah." Conveniently leaving out the fact that you were performing on that day. "Hey, what's Andre doing for the show?"

"Andre? I dunno, girl." You chuckled. You did. You just didn't want to spoil the 'surprise', if you could even pull it off. Because of this, every time you saw her, you began to panic, thinking that she could see through your plans of singing that song dedicated to her. It felt like two whole days of hell.

"I'll see you at the concert tonight, Auli'i."

"Okay, babes. See you there." Auli'i answered cheerily.

Friday was eventually here. You'd managed to keep it from her pretty well- not actually going to the concert together with her was the challenging part but you got that done too. You made up an excuse and did not expect her to buy it- at all. Anyway, you had to be there a couple hours before the concert started to set up and rehearse. Obviously, you couldn't let her know. Right? You told her you had to go with your Mom to her appointment. So after class ended, you went home to take a quick shower and ate something then made your way back to school.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now