we got us

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"Y/N. What's been going on with you?"

"I don't- I don't know." You stutter, avoiding her gaze as you fiddle with your fingers tensely.

"Really?" She snarked, arching a brow, "Y/N, come on. For the past two weeks, you have been nothing but distant. I take you out, try to get you to relax, all I get is this!"

You didn't know what to say. You didn't know what or how to tell her. You just felt so overwhelmed that you simply turned and left, storming into the guest room. She watched you with wide eyes, in disbelief as you left. The door slams, admittedly startling her, arms crossed and she plopped onto the sofa with her head thrown back. "Ugh." She groans, "I wanna help her so badly, but she doesn't want to tell me a thing?!"

Rummaging the couch cushions for her phone, she finds it under one of the big seat cushions. Auli'i scrolls through her social media accounts to pass sometime and to calm down. She fails, throwing her phone aside as she agitatedly goes get ready for a shower. Being in her current state of mind, everything she tried to do just was not going well: she picks out a t-shirt and when she takes it out of the stack in her wardrobe, half of the clothes fall over so she had to re-fold them. Then, her favourite shampoo ran out. But that wasn't all- she loses her phone in the house again. That really pissed her off. But she was just pacing around the house, not having a clue as to what to do. Not with herself, but your situation. The night went on in silence, she desperately tried to fall asleep and eventually did get a broken up few hours of sleep on account that she had to be on set early in the morning. You on the other hand, well...

— • —

You had sleepless night. The next morning, you leave the house before Auli'i even got up. You did not have the energy to face her right now, so you avoided her. Silly right? Maybe, maybe not. You knew you were so damn tired, nothing good was gonna come out of your mouth. Besides, she's already yelled at you last night. You did not need another round of that.

You went to a friend's house to spend some time. And she was making breakfast so she offered you some. You couldn't say no to that- she was a great cook, and you hadn't had anything to eat yet.

"No work today?"

"Nope." You answered, popping the 'p'.

"Alrighty then, dig in."

"Thanks, Jade."

"I haven't seen you in weeks. Very busy?"

"Eh, I don't want to talk about work right now." You stab your fork into the ham slices.

"Sure. What do you feel like doing today?"

"Honestly? Just drink some wine and watch TV."

Jade chuckled, "I'm not gonna argue with that." While Jade got the wine, you made yourself comfy on her couch to pick out a movie.

"What genre do you wanna watch?"

"Whatever you pick." She shrugs, "I'm too tired to choose."

"Well- okay, then."

While scrolling through the Disney+ homepage, your phone buzzes in your pocket. You had an idea who it was, so you ignored it.

Until...it kept happening so Jade brought it up, "Is everything okay?"

"Not really, no. I don't wanna talk to her."

"What the heck happened?" Jade squinted, refilling her glass.

"I dunno."

"Girl, cut the crap. Something obviously's going on."

You scoff, "I got retrenched."

"Oh, fuck I'm so sorry." She seethed, pausing the movie without looking.

"I did my job well, okay? I just- I need to find another one. It's been nearly three weeks since and I haven't even managed to hear back from one job."

"So she doesn't know?"

"We got into a fight yesterday because I refused to tell her what was happening."

"Oh." Jade sucks her teeth, "You know, if you still like to do some baking and decorating, my sister's looking for some help at her bakery."

"Do you have her card or do I just text her?"

"Yeah, you can just drop her a text- her number's still the same."

"Oh, that's great. Thanks."

— • —

You eventually mustered up the courage to tell Auli'i once you got home and hour later. She was obviously upset, but was still listening to you while you explained everything to her.

"It's okay, babe. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have raised my voice at you."

"I just don't know what to do. I've applied to a few jobs already and I haven't heard back from one. It's been nearly a month." You say, "I just feel like shit alternating between sitting around at home all day and going for a bunch of job interviews ."

"You're doing your best, baby. Don't forget to take a breather every once in awhile."

"I don't want to rely on you financially."

"I'm not asking you to do that. All I'm saying is...as much as it's great that you're wanting to be financially independent, I'm always gonna be here for you. You need to give yourself some time to recover from that, to relax. If not, your mind's just gonna be all over the place and that won't be good."

That conversation ended with a whole lot of tears, mainly from how frustrated you've been feeling because of the situation regarding your difficulty in finding another job, but also...relief that that cat was finally out of the bag- no more hiding. Most importantly, you knew that you were going to be okay. Auli'i was right there with you.

— • —

Unedited. Published: Sunday, 29 October 2023

Enjoy this short little part. Pls leave a vote if you did! Next update will probably in a week or so- working at the cinema's been taking up a lot of my energy, lol. But feel free to send any requests my way! Till next time🫶🏼

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now