Never Lost*

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It was Friday afternoon, and school was over for the week. You waited in the courtyard for Capri, so the two of you could head home together. You were just hoping you could get away from here before your sister, Darby sees you. Or worse, asks you where you were headed. Thankfully, Capri shows up soon enough and you ran off to her car with her.

"Hi, babe." She flashes you a smile, batting her eyelashes in her usual fashion.

"Hi, you." You mirrored her smile, admittedly still a little nervous from earlier.

"Would you relax? We're away from the school right now and I don't think your sister would be at the mall on a Friday afternoon. Isn't she usually working with her boyfriend with the dead people?"

"The deados. Yeah." You corrected.

"Same difference." She shrugged.

As she drives, her hand continues to grip onto your thigh. You were used to this form of affection, but sometimes, it leads to something more. So you were watching her closely. "We're not doing that in the car."

"Why? It's not like we haven't done it before in the car."

That tone. It made you roll your eyes in annoyance but you secretly loved it, especially when things got heated and handsy with her.

"Watch the road, Capri." You ignored her statement. "You dying once was enough for me. I can't take that shit again."

"I woke up." She hums, shrugging in response. Her hand expertly moves to give you a teasing squeeze on the ass. You tutted, "Stop it."

"Should we just take this to my house?"


"Oh, okay." You just knew that she'd be biting her lower lip, "Feeling a little feisty today, aren't you?"

"Can we just go to the mall and get some froyo first, like you promised?" You asked quickly.

"Ah." She chuckles, "So now, you want me."

"Please?" You glanced at her, hopefully.

"Mm, okay."

She doesn't say anything else about that but you two ended up in the parking structure of the nearby mall. "Okay, we're here let's go, baby." She gets out from the driver's seat and opened your door for you. Reflexively, Capri slides her hand into your back pocket while you two walked, and you on the other hand snaked an arm around her waist.

"Oh, my God- Capri, it's Alex. Alex, and- Harper."

"Hey, y/n!" Alex waved at you happily. Which, caught the attention of your sister who whipped her head and saw you, right as you let go of your hold on Capri.

"Can't run away now, can I?" You chuckled nervously.

"Yes, we can." Capri leaned closer to whisper to you, "Just pretend you didn't see them and walk away, come on."

"My legs aren't moving, Capri." You spoke through gritted teeth.

"What are you two doing here?" Darby asked, all smiley. Why was she not mad? "Y/N, you said you had a date-" Slowly, she was hit with the realisation that you had a date- with Capri Donahue, the school's queen bee and mean girl. Someone everyone (well, nearly everyone), called a bitch. Someone most people feared.

"She's your date?" Darby's tone instantly changed to a harsh one of disbelief, "I can't believe this. She's put me through hell to help her and-"

"They look happy together." Alex remarked, "Let's just leave them alone."

"Fine, whatever." Darby huffs.

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