good day

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"Rise and shine, honey." You feel a warmth on your back- Auli'i's hand. "Time to get ready."

"Mm, no." You grumbled, voice muffled by your face down into the pillow.

You thought Auli'i was a deep sleeper? You were way worse. "Baby, c'mon." She chuckles, "We gotta get ready to go to set."

"Alright, alright." You gave in, "I'm up."

"Good morning." She grins, "Oh, I'm so excited to be working with you, my goodness."

"I know, me too. I thought it'd never happen."

"Thank God for Sammi." Auli'i jokes, "She specifically asked for you."

"Well, I still had to audition."

"Right. So if anyone tries to give you shit, you went through the same process so it's fair game. Though they definitely liked you way more than the other person who made it to the final round with you."

You scoffed, "Don't even. She was so full of it."

"Oh, I know." She laughs, "I am so glad you were the chosen one."

Once you were done getting ready, you went ahead and made breakfast for the two of you. "Ooh, pancakes? Yum."

"Should we pack lunch too?"

"Ah, I think we don't need to." She says, filling the electric kettle with water to boil. "Let's try the food today and see if we need to pack our own tomorrow."

"Okay." You giggled.

"Do you want coffee or tea?"

"Tea. I'm not gonna risk needing to shit in the middle of a take." You poured some batter onto the heated pan.

"Okay." Auli'i giggles, "You know what I'm about to ask you then- which tea do you want?"

"Hmm." You tapped your chin, "Surprise me."

"Very well then." She laughs lightly, picking out a tea back from the variety in the cupboard.

— • —

First order of business once the two of you got to set was to do a table read with everyone- for the first couple of scenes so the crew would know what to expect from the cast, then change lines or jokes, wherever needed.

That took about an hour or so before a few of you went for a toilet break or grabbed a snack or drink. "I'm freaking freezing." You inhaled, lying back in your swivel chair once you got back from the craft service table with a water bottle.

"Girl, I got you. Take my jacket." Teala handed a zipup hoodie to you.

"Are you not cold?"

"Not really." She shrugged, "I like the cold. Enjoy it before we have to film on location- it's so warm outside."

"For real." Tyler chimed in, "Also, it's summer- so worse."

"Anybody wanna grab a snack or anything before we resume?" Sammi called out, "Five minutes, everyone. Then we'll be outside for the first track scene. Everyone should be in their track uniforms." Just as she finished talking, Auli'i returns from the bathroom.

"Damn." Tyler curses.

"It's not like you didn't know everything will be rehearsed or filmed out of order." Isabella nudged him playfully.

"Any issues with wardrobe, please raise your concerns within the week before we officially start filming, okay, guys?"

"Got it." The cast chorused. It was like a well-oiled machine, this bunch. Everything went so well, you didn't even notice how much time had already passed. "Okay, lunchtime, my friends! One hour. Then we're back on the track- AJ's KingPun revelation."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now