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18+ only. Smut. MDNI.

You leaned against your locker, with a book in hand to pass time while waiting for Cady to arrive at school. And Janis, your girlfriend, who's gone to the restroom. Damian was scrolling through his phone was he stood beside you. As a crowd of rowdy students entered the school, you shifted uncomfortably as they milled past you. Keeping a close eye on who they were. Mainly to stay away from the guys who's called you some nasty names. You didn't tell Janis, and they also seem to know when you were alone. That, or they just happened to have great timing. The many, many cliques at North Shore now almost-always peacefully co-existed after the whole Burn Book fiasco. With the exception of some, unfortunately.

"Hey, are you okay?"


"Something's bothering you." He raised a brow, "Why are you so...fidgety whenever a group of students walk by."

"No, it's nothing." You insisted.

Before he could respond, Janis returns. Thank god.

"You were gone awhile," Damian remarked.

"There was a line." Janis shrugged, "What book is that?"

'It's yours. I took it when I was at your house the other night.' You wanted to say.

Look, you knew Damian and Cady would be nothing but supportive. But you just couldn't do it, not yet. You tried coming out to your Mother a handful of times but you never did successfully. Given her reaction to queer representation in the media, you learnt over time that not sharing anything with her would be best to protect your own peace.

You shrugged, showing her the cover while holding a thumb in the page you were on. "Oh, nice. She had that signature smirk on her face.

After getting by half a day of classes without Janis and your friends, you met them all again at lunch. "Oh, thank God." You heaved a sigh when you saw Cady appear in the cafeteria. She quickly spotted you and gave you a wave as she approached the table, "Damian and Janis should be here in a minute. I walked by their class and their teacher'd just dismissed them."

"Okay, cool." You nod as she placed her backpack down beside you and told you she was gonna go get her food. As you ate, you people-watched, noticing that Regina was behind Cady in the lunch line and they said hi to each other. "Hey, girl. You survived." Damian's voice pulled you out of your trance. "Sure did." You played along with his tone, "Senior year's already sucking ass that I don't have half my classes with any one of you guys."

"I know." Damian shrugged, "I'll be back in a sec. Just gonna go get my lunch." And so you were alone again, watching the lunch line move forward. Then, Cady leaving the line carrying a tray. And Regina saying 'see you around' to her. Boy, that was something you had to get used to, still.


All throughout lunch, Janis couldn't keep her hands off you- her hand first gripped onto your thigh which nearly caused you to yelp. You shot her a look, but she doesn't back off. Then the hand got lower, and lower so you shifted further away from her- which Cady and Damian definitely noticed. "Okay. What the hell was that y'all?" Damian asks in his usual fashion.

"Nothing. I'm left-handed, she's right-handed. I didn't want to keep knocking into her elbow as I eat." You lied. Well, partially.

Cady eyed you two for a second, "Okay."

"You're not scared of me, are you?" Janis asked, casually.

"What the hell kind of question is that, Janis?" You came off almost way too offended.

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