Distress - [1]*

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It's crazy how fast life could change. And how drastically it could change — all because of one thing.

"y/n, you have to choose. Quick." The doctor urged you. You felt the blood draining from your face as tears poured from your eyes. You were all alone with a lifeless Janis on the operating table, surrounded by people- doctors and nurses but the most alone and helpless you've ever been. You wanted so bad to fall on the ground and cry, but you tried to stay strong. Though you weren't sure what it was for at this point. You didn't know what to do.

Once Janis was confirmed to be in labour, you came into the hospital with her to meet her team for the occasion

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Once Janis was confirmed to be in labour, you came into the hospital with her to meet her team for the occasion. You got her checked in then she was swiftly brought into her room that was picked out in advance. The nurses on shift got her changed into an open-back gown — which she hated, and got an IV plug set. She hated the latter even more. And of course, a fetal monitor. "All done, mama." The nurse smiled sympathetically, "You're all set. Just try and rest and we'll be by every hour to check on you. If you need anything, call button is on the remote on either side of your head on the bed rails.

"Okay, thanks." Janis replied simply.

Once the nurse had left, Janis asks, "Did you tell them yet?" "I did. I texted the group. Cady said she and Regina will come by soon, after they have breakfast. The rest of them are probably still asleep-" Your phone buzzes, "It's Damian. He is...on his way."

Janis chuckles, "He's actually coming here?"

"Yeah, that's what he said." You showed her your phone screen briefly.


You put your phone away, "How are you feeling so far?"

"It's not bad, maybe I just have high pain tolerance." Janis assured, "I'm okay." You press a kiss to her forehead, squeezing her free hand. Her contractions were regular, but not causing her much pain yet. It was true, Janis had way higher pain tolerance than you did.

"You wanna get back to sleep, babe?"

She nodded, laying on her left side then drifted off to sleep while you stayed up keeping an eye on her and your phone in case any of your friends texted. Friends, yes. Family, no. Your parents didn't like Janis and her parents did not like you. They've been against your relationship from the beginning but Janis didn't give a shit.

Periodically, Janis would make little pained noises in her sleep, alerting you that she was having a contraction. Not once did she wake up, until someone came in to check on her progress. Boy, did she hate that. She showed it and the doctor definitely already knew. Once the doctor leaves, Damian showed up. "Hi, honey." He greeted.

"Hi." Janis forced a smile, laying back down.

"How you feelin'?"

"Uncomfortable. Especially with the doctor just shoving her fingers in to check me. What an invasion."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now