can't blame a girl for trying [2] • requested

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"Where have you been?"

"That depends, Y/N. Who's asking?"

"Me." You shrug, leaning against your white picket fence.

"I've been out of town for work this past week." She answers, picking up her black cat.

"A package got delivered for you and they left it with me. Did you-"

"Yeah, I had them leave it with a neighbour. I guess whoever delivered it chose to leave it with you." Auli'i says, "Sorry, I should've asked."

"Oh, no. Don't worry about it. My schedule's pretty fixed so I'm usually home anyway." You assured, "Let me just go grab it for you real quick."

You gave the package to her and she put it down on her porch then returned to where you were. "How are things at the restaurant?"

"Good, we're taking the day off today."

"Any plans?" She asks.

"No. What about you?"

"Day off too, just waiting to hear back from my agents."

"You wanna go out for some drinks or something?" You ask carefully.

"How about a hike? Then we'll unwind with some drinks." She suggests.

"Oh, I'm down." You agreed after pondering for a second. It was pretty early so the weather was still not too bad, and you could spend the time to get to know her better. So...why not, right?

Once you two were ready, you drove the both of you to one of the nearest hiking trails and parked your car. "I just wanna put it out there- I'm not athletic so we probably won't be hiking for long." You warned.

"I get that. I just wanted to get out of the house, and now I get to spend some time with you too. So that's great."

— • —

"You live alone?"

"Yup. I have some friends pretty close by, my Mom as well." She confirms. "How's L.A. been treating you so far?"

"Even though there's also a lot of people, I find it less busy and stressful as compared to New York."

"I agree. It feels less hectic here, especially when you live in a neighbourhood that's quieter."

"Yeah, that's why I chose this neighbourhood. It just felt more calm and safe for me personally."

"You...have any pets?"

"I had a labradoodle when I was growing up. Now, no."

"So you're a dog person?"

"I like cats too, but I guess you could say that, yeah." You chuckled, gulping some of your water.

"Okay." She glanced at you and you could feel it.

"I know where we can go for drinks."

"Well, then. Looking forward to it."

Your hike went on for another thirty minutes or so before you two retreated to your car to relax in the cooling air-conditioning.

"Your restaurant. Nice." She realises where you took her, "You tryna flex?"

"Oh, no, no, no." You gasped, "I just didn't want to pay for some drinks when I have them."

"I'm kidding." She nudges you playfully. You unlocked the doors and led her inside to sit at the bar. "Coffee? Tea? What do you feel like having?"

"You have matcha on the menu?"

"I do." You nod.

"I'll take one matcha latte, then. Please."

"Coming right up." You smiled. You were making her drink in front of her as she watched. Of course, the annoying butterflies in your stomach returned but you chose to ignore it and push through.

"Aw, cute. A heart." She cooed. "Not my best work." You threw your hands up in mock surrender, "Elaine's the barista among the group."

"I'll be the judge of that." She said softly.

"You want something to eat?"

"You wanna cook?" She asks, shocked.

"I'm a chef, Auli'i." You laugh.

"I know that, but we just hiked for an hour. You don't wanna sit down?"

"If you're not hungry, we'll figure something out later." You shrug, making yourself a matcha latte as well before joining her at the bar.

— • —

"I'm envious. You're such a great cook." She remarked, cutting into her chicken schnitzel.

"We all have something we're good at." You reply.

"True." She nods, taking a bite of the food, "I have to say- it's been amazing getting to know someone and not have their first words they say to me be, 'oh, my God! I love Moana.'"

"I had no clue you were an actress. Full disclosure, my friends from the restaurant told me. But I just thought you were really nice, so I talked to you and stuff."

"You've been a joy so far, so no complaints." She giggled, "I love Moana, but I'm still my own person. Sorry, that's corny."

"But it's true." You raised your glass, she clinks hers against your own.

"Are you seeing anyone?"

"Oh, you're straightforward. Love that." You purse your lips together, "No. Been single for the past three years. And if I'm being honest, I'm not loving being alone right now."

"So you're looking to date?"

"That depends, Auli'i. Who's asking?" You avoided eye contact with her.

"Oh." Auli'i bit back a laugh, "Well, I am." She leaned closer to you as she spoke, ending her sentence with a cheeky little grin.

"Perfect." You went for it, "So..."

"I kind of counts as a first date?"

"No objection." You shrug, leaning in as well, "I had a great time."

"Can I take you out on Saturday?" She asks, swirling the wine in her glass.

"Okay." You agreed.

She winks, "I'll pick you up at six."

— • —

Unedited. Published: Sunday, 22 October 2023

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