have fun [2]

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Just last night, the Disney star took to her IG livestream to talk about how life has been like for her recently. She also carried on to explain how she was 'very upset about the behaviour of so many of you'.

'We finally decided to go public after being in a relationship for ten months, and within a matter of seconds, I managed to find out who my real supporters are- the ones that support what I believe in and are happy for me. I always read comments that are left on posts, even if I don't respond. Calling me disgusting is one thing, but scrutinising and hating on the body or the looks of someone I love is a whole other level of disrespect. No secure person would go online and start spewing utter nonsense. No sane person would go after someone for several blocks, pressing for comments. No decent person would hurt another person. My girlfriend has been chased by paparazzi, hounded by them and by so many of you people online that have got nothing better to do than make someone else feel like shit in this already shitty world.

I stand by our decision to go public, because we got to see clear as day, who truly supports us for being who we are. Many were kind and lovely, but here's a word for the rest of you nasty individuals- at the end of the day, our lives and yours are so separate. My decisions are mine to make, no one gets to dictate my life the way they think they can. I came on here for the sole purpose of calling you guys out. I'm not tolerating this shit targeted towards my girlfriend or anyone else I know. And those who put her physical safety at risk by pushing and shoving? That's not in your job scope.'

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~~ ~~

As expected, Auli'i saw a bunch of these articles and people were Tweeting her and even DM-ing her. All of which, she's ignored. Unless they were positive ones, she's made up her mind since the livestream to no longer waste her time and energy on the negative things. You and Auli'i have both turned the notifications for your social media apps off since yesterday. Currently, you were getting dressed for your afternoon out with Isabella and Tyler- the 4 of you were going to a nearby movie theatre.

"Auli'i, hey girl." Isabella hugs her, then you next.

"I haven't seen you two in ages!" Tyler exclaimed, "Especially you, Y/N. Where have you been?"

"Spending time with my family which was then proven to be useless because I chose to leave after they were disgusted by me."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Tyler slung an arm around your shoulder, "The most important thing to know right now...is that you're safe and surrounded by the people who freaking love you."

"You're right. And I freaking love you guys too."

"Okay, what're we watching?" You all enter the place, taking in everything. You stood in front of the ticketI got area behind the small crowd of people queuing. It was a weekday afternoon so not many people were there.

"Did y'all see Spider-Man yet?" Tyler asks. The three of you said no. "Do you guys wanna watch that, then?"

"Sure." You glanced at Auli'i before answering.

She says, "I don't mind, but let's see if they have a showing soon."

"I heard it's great. I have been trying my hardest to avoid any spoilers." Isabella chimed in, playing with the charms on her bracelet absentmindedly.

Lucky for you all, they had a showing in about 40 minutes so Tyler immediately bought those tickets and the group of you head to the concession stand to get snacks.

After the movie, it was about two hours later. Once you'd stepped out from the movie theatre, the dreaded thing happens. A flash blinded you for a moment because the thought to put on a pair of sunglasses at 5:30pm simply did not cross your mind. You'd let your guard down and dragged three of the closest people in your life into this little debacle.

"Oh, shit." You muttered, causing Tyler to laugh a little. "It's chill. We got this." He says, walking in front of you now. Auli'i and yourself had your arms linked together so she pulled you closer. Isabella put on her pair of sunglasses that she'd actually just placed on her head, "Excuse me, move out of the way. Thanks." "Y/N, what'd you say?" The guy that took the picture with flash, asked. "Nothing." You tell him firmly, "Absolutely nothing."

"We're just having an afternoon together. Now, please." Auli'i spoke up.

"What do you have to say about your words on the livestream." Another pap questioned.

"I stand by what I said. End of story."

"Isabella. Look over here." They hear someone request, then flash goes off again, "Auli'i, look over here, please."

They politely did for a second then all kept their heads down and left. "I guess that's a no for dinner, then." You said, "I'm sorry, you guys."

"We know how it's like to be bothered by those people, to a certain degree. But we always move forward. They're not exactly the important people in our lives, y'know?" Isabella got in her car. "The ones that are important, are your friends, your family and your fans. You know they have your back. And if they don't anymore, peace out, hun. Get the hell away from them." Tyler added on.

"And even more importantly, live in the moment. Have fun, laugh to your heart's content, sing till your throat hurts, whatever...but don't get too caught up in things and people that don't matter. I know you know this, but I'm gonna say it- we are in this thing together, you and me. Don't forget that. Ever." Auli'i squeezes your hand, bringing it to her lips and pecking it ever so gently.


Unedited. Published: Wednesday, 28 June 2023

I don't really like the ending, but I wasn't sure how to end this 2-parter off. So until I probably edit it, here it is!

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