tell the world

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You and Auli'i have been together five years and married for one. However, not once has she revealed who you were or even let the media know she was even seeing someone. You both valued your privacy and it has been smooth-sailing. Very, smooth-sailing.

So, for your first wedding anniversary, the two of you have made the major decision to announce your relationship to the world— well, she'd be posting it on her Instagram, but still. Word spreads.

First and foremost, you two went about your day just as you guys had planned: it was filled with activities you and Auli'i enjoyed. From a picnic in the morning to a movie in the afternoon, then her taking you out to dinner at the place where you had your first date? It was perfect. Not once had anyone asked if you two were dating— but it's not like you two were outwardly showing affection outside of the house. Anyway, Auli'i was also extremely skilled at avoiding questions regarding relationships. Of course her team helps with declining questions in interviews where they'd want to ask those questions, but in situations like red carpets, she was on her own. You thoroughly enjoyed the anonymity, but now you both wanted to be able to show each other off. It felt like the right time too.

"I'm not tagging you, I'm also not posting a photo with our faces in it."

"I know, sweetheart. You've clarified this a few times, already."

She chuckled, "I just want to be sure. Also, I'm a little nervous. And for what? Practically the world already knows I'm bi. I guess I just- yeah, the comments are being restricted."

"We don't have to post anything if you don't want to." You assured.

"I want to." She says decisively. "Just need to get out of my head, because what does it matter what other people think of our relationship?"

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After you both posted your pictures, your phones were put aside, because now you had something important to do

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After you both posted your pictures, your phones were put aside, because now you had something important to do. She was finally meeting your family. You've never told anyone who you were in a relationship with because they would never approve of it. But, you decided to show it off to them. You were doing great without them being all up in your personal life. They have been pestering you about getting married and having kids, but you've always ignored them. "Maybe we shouldn't." You said.

"It's up to you, baby. We can just leave now and go somewhere else."

You left, but someone stops you.

"Shit!" You muttered under your breath.

"Birthday's tomorrow, Y/N. Not gonna come and say hi? We never see you anymore."

"I wonder why." You snapped.

"Come in, please." It was your mother. Auli'i looked at you worriedly- she didn't want to see you upset on such a happy occasion. You walked into the house with her- hand in hand.

"It was really hard for me accept it. You need to understand this- where we live, things like's strange to them. I grew up knowing nothing about it. All the things I learnt were from shows and movies— which don't always show good reactions. And, I'm sorry. Because of my reaction, and failure to educate myself, I let you down."

"Do you have any idea how crushed I felt when you gagged the moment I told you I liked girls? You said it was a joke and seriously?! Why would you joke about that? I tried to be open and honest with you because you taught me that. Now all I've learnt is that you only loved the idea of me. And if I'm the version of a daughter you create in your mind. Are you really sorry? Or did you find out who my partner was and suddenly had a change in attitude?"

You were done bottling up your feelings. You were done keeping quiet. You've had it. You needed this. You needed the closure.

She looked guilty. You scoffed, "Who told you? You know what? I don't care anymore, goodbye."

"I'm sorry! What else do you want me to say?"

"You don't mean it."

With that, you took Auli'i's hand and left as fast as you arrived. "Let's go for some drinks." You stated.

"Okay." She gives your hand a squeeze as you got into your rental car.

"You want me to drive?"

You shook your head, "No, I'll do it."

She lets you, not wanting to push this particular conversation any further. Auli'i gets into the passenger seat quietly and the drive begins that way- with the air tense, her worried and you extremely, extremely pissed off. You say you weren't, but she could read you like a book.

"I'll be fine, just let me feel this and I'll be fine. It'll pass." You assured her, "I promise you. I've always been who I am, and if she can't accept it? Who cares? She doesn't control my life now. I control my own life."

With a comforting hand on your thigh, she says, "Okay, baby. I hear you."

Eventually, the atmosphere eases up. She begins singing to you to calm your mind and you loved that. She always does this for you— any song you wanted. Sometimes, she'd sing whatever she wanted and even then, it was a nice surprise. No doubt.

— • —

Eventually, you and Auli'i wound up at a bar near the hotel for a few drinks to end the night. Before you two arrived at the bar, you'd long forgotten the conversation with your Mother. Your only focus was to have some drinks and a good time with your wife. Oh, and to enjoy the rest of your trip before returning home to L.A. and to work.

"Let's take a shower, shall we?"

You gasped, "Ooh, yeah, please."

Going to bed a little before midnight, you were exceptionally sleepy but good thing was? You fell asleep with no problem. Safe and sound in her arms, all felt right in the world.

While you fell into deep sleep, Auli'i stayed up, savouring a few quiet moments watching the cityscape from the hotel room balcony.

All that mattered to her was your happiness and happy and her own. Nothing else in the world mattered to her and you could say the same about yourself. As she sat in the chair just a mere few feet away from you, her gaze shifts from the scenery to you, peacefully asleep in bed...all snuggled up.

"God...I just fall in love with you more and more each day, Y/N. I'm so lucky to call you mine."

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Unedited. Published: Thursday, 16 November 2023

Got a little personal (and delulu) here HAHA. 🤭 I was gonna make this part longer too but it would just become boring instead🙃😂

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