hold tight

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Your gaze lands on the girl across the room as you took a sip of your drink. Your best friend's convinced you to get out of the house to go grab a couple drinks. But guess what? She met a guy and ditched you pretty quickly. Soon after she leaves, you order yourself another drink then found a seat at a quiet booth in the back of the establishment.  Since you were getting hungry, you decided to order some food for yourself. Unsure of the reason why, your eyes kept going around the bar, searching for the girl you saw earlier. Your gaze finds her once again, but this time, she sees you.

'Shit.' You immediately averted your eyes.

She was walking over.

'No, no, no. Why?! You dumb bitch!'

The bartender places your second cocktail in front of you.  Momentarily, she sits down opposite from you. "Hey."

You gulped, fingers tapping your thigh anxiously.

"Hi." You mustered up the courage to greet her back.

"Could I join you? If you'd rather not, I'll leave you alone." A small smile tugs at her lips after she spoke.

You thought about it for a second, "Um- yeah. Yeah, sure."

"Um, was that Nadine you came in with?"

"Yep. She forced me come out to dinner with her tonight, and it didn't even take 30 minutes for her to get hit on."

"Ah." She sucks her teeth, "It's nice to see you outside of school."


She chuckles, "You're always keeping to yourself when I see you in our lectures together. I swear I have never heard your voice till tonight."

That was not exactly true- you spoke when you needed to, like during group projects, but when a lecture was happening, you choose not to talk but instead just focus on what was being taught to the class.

"Yeah, I just- I'm not good with...that. Talking to others and basically any social interaction."

"I think you're just fine, Y/N." She says to you, that eye-catching smile never leaving her face, "It's okay. I struggle with that sometimes, too. You're not alone."

After knowing her for coming to three years now, you never actually sat down and had a proper chat with her. Ever. Well, your huge crush on her was one reason why. And your anxiety being another. But with the help of a couple of drinks, you were feeling surprisingly at ease. You smile back at what she'd just told you, humming in response.

"Hey, uh- you...wanna take this back to my place?"

You almost spat out your drink but controlled yourself, "Hm?" You put down your glass, swallowing that sip of your cocktail harshly.

"You wanna hang at my place? Just the two of us?" Her hand sneaks onto yours as you two lock eyes, her gaze was lascivious. Not gonna lie, you immediately wanted to say yes. But of course, as usual...it was like the words have gotten caught in your throat.

She tilts her chin up, asking once more, "So..." She leans closer, and your heart beats faster. You squeaked, "Mhm." With that being said, the both of you downed the remainder of your drinks, paid and left.

~~ • ~~

"Where's your place?" You sniffled, the cold air nipped at your skin as you stepped outside.

"Not far from here. We just gotta walk for a little while."


"Mhm." She nods firmly, glancing over at you. You weren't looking back at her, but you surely felt eyes on you.

She clears her throat, "Hey, I have a cat. Do you have any pets?"

"I do not, sadly." You answer, right hand scratching the back of your neck awkwardly, "What's your cat's name?"

"Rocco. I adopted him a few years ago."


The remainder of your walk was in relative silence. However, while you thought it was awkward, she thought it was a comfortable silence. Though...she might be right because you didn't actively feel like you wanted to dig a hole in the ground and hide in it. Suddenly, you felt her fingers brush against yours, pulling you out of your thoughts. You swallowed thickly, stealing a glance at her. You brought you hand even closer to hers and she laces your fingers together, a soothing thumb brushing over your knuckles.

You could feel your cheeks heating up as you reflexively looked away to hide your face. "Y/N." She giggles, stopping in her tracks. "What?" You stop walking as well. "Look at me." A soft sigh escapes from her lips. You didn't budge, so she softly tilts your chin up.

"I think you're great, and I really like you, Y/N. And honestly, I want tonight to go somewhere, y'know?"


"Oh." Your words mirror your thoughts, but the tones sounded to be completely opposite. You decided to take the chance, "Okay. I...really, really like you too, Auli'i."

She squealed softly, hand on your waist as she pulls you in for a kiss on the lips. You both mutually pull away, "Wh- um, how far away are we?"

"Just right down the street."

~~ • ~~

Once in the privacy of her home, she didn't waste anytime acting on her desire.

"Are you okay with this?"

"Yes." You answer as your lips melted into one yet again, your back against the wall as she tugged at your lips. The kisses passionate and hungry, causing you feel a swarm of butterflies in your chest.

She abruptly stops, "You okay?"

"Mhm, yeah." You replied hurriedly, tilting your neck to allow her better access. She chuckles breathily against your skin, making you flinch a little. Her warm hands quickly found their way to either side of your waist and steadied you.

She hits a particularly sensitive spot on your neck and you let out a moan, which surprised you so you quickly stopped yourself, biting onto your lower lip. She notices how you suddenly froze up. "That's okay, baby." She whispers, looking up at you as her hand traveled higher, for the hem of your shirt. "Yeah, yeah. You can- you can take it off."At this point, your mind was pretty much clouded with desire. And she does, followed by your bottoms. Next, she asks you to jump onto her so this whole thing could carry on in her bedroom instead. You gladly listened.

As she was sucking away on your neck, you were craving more. And as if she could hear your thoughts, she began traveling lower, leaving a trail of wet kisses downwards. You felt the warmth of her breath reach where you wanted her the most. Though now you were also aware of what she was doing,

So, you were freaking out a little.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to, Y/N." She instantly stopped whatever she was planning to do, to check on you.

"No, I- I want to. I just need to get out of my own head." You told her. You were ready, just feeling nervous.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." You confirm, "I'm just nervous. I- haven't done any of this before."

Her face softens, "It's alright, we'll take it slow. Stop me whenever." You took a few deep breaths to calm down as you nodded in agreement.


"Okay." You tell her as her hand cups your cheek and she leans down to peck you on the lips. Smoothly, her hands slide down, holding on to your hip again. "I got you, darling."

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Wednesday, 19 April 2023

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