opening night

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You haven't seen Auli'i in a few weeks, seeing that she was in London for a musical, Evita. While you were back in New York, working. You worked a 9-to-5 job, while she was well, an actress. The two of you led rather different lives together, but it works. It's been that way for coming up to five years now. You always had time for each other, but there were of course some times like these ones were she's out of town for a period of time. However, with regular phone and video calls, it holds you over till you get to see her. You understood how important her work was to her and vice versa — that's how you both pay the bills.

Incidentally, the night of her first show falls on your anniversary. Plus, you finally managed to get a few days off of work so you grabbed the opportunity and booked a flight to London to go surprise your girl immediately. This short getaway was much needed after a particularly hectic week at work.

You slept through most of your flight but woke up right in time for the meals, so you were glad you weren't going to need to go hungry until you land. While you ate your food, you were checking your phone for messages. Particularly any messages from Auli'i, because she'd regularly text you what she was up to...sending you cute little selfies and such. And you didn't want her to get suspicious, or worried about why you weren't replying. You'd gotten a text from her about thirty minutes ago— a selfie. Of course you couldn't send her one back, otherwise the surprise would be ruined.

You would be arriving in London the morning of the show, so you didn't have a lot of time. But it wasn't like you were pressed for time either. Whatever it was, you made a note to get her some flowers. You probably would have to drop it off with the front of house staff for them to hand it to her, but how could you do that without them letting her know you were actually just outside, waiting to go in for the show? Just tell them not to tell her anything about where you were, duh, Y/N.

— • —

You got to the hotel and unpacked your stuff before you headed out to go get Auli'i her flowers. Locating a flower shop on your walk, you stopped to check out the selection they had. A woman in her fifties was manning the shop, she smiles at you when you entered. The bell on the door signalled your presence.

You saw sunflowers, lilies, carnations and dahlias. But still, you went with the classic choice of some rose bouquet . "These are beautiful. A very popular choice. Celebrating something special?"

"Oh, yes. Fifth anniversary with my girlfriend today."

"£30, dear. Congrats on five years."

"Isn't it £40?" You asked.

"Just for you." She smiled.

"Oh, here. Thank you." You handed her the cash while she gave the bouquet to you.

"Enjoy the rest of your afternoon." She bid you goodbye, then you were on your way to the venue. According to a text from Auli'i, she's been at rehearsals for a couple hours or so, but you headed towards your destination at a leisurely pace...allowing yourself to take in the sights and sounds of the place.

"Hi, um- could you hand this over to Auli'i? But I don't want her to know I'm here tonight since I want to surprise her for our anniversary."

"Oh, hi! Y/N, right? Heard a lot about you." The staff member you approached was friendly, "Not a problem. We will make sure she gets this, rest assured, we won't spoil the surprise."

"Awesome, thank you so much Elsie." You smiled, relieved, "I will be back, but now, I'm gonna go get something to eat."

"Now, if you want, I do have a recommendation- the fish and chip shop right down the street is one of the best in town. You can't miss it."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now