hands • requested

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18+ only. Smut.

Your day started out great. Well...apart from the 6a.m. wakeup time, and the makeup, hair and fitting that took another handful of hours. That part was a drag, but you certainly did not see what was coming as the day went on.

"How do you have so much energy?" You grumbled while fighting a yawn.

"I'm excited." She grins, "You're coming with me to an event." While she looks through her outfit options that were on a rack in the hallway, you sat at the kitchen island to drink your cup of tea. It was too early and you were simply putting off what you had to do till the last possible minute. Besides, you had your outfit picked out already.

"Okay, I'm going for this one." You heard behind you.

"Alright, cool." Her stylist agrees, taking her chosen outfit off the rack and handing it to Auli'i. You hear her walk by you, then felt her snake an arm around your waist. "I'm gonna go change, and I'll be right back." Auli'i says as she rested her chin on your shoulder for second too long.

"Sure, babe." You replied, clearing your throat as she walks away to the bedroom to change. Were you thinking too deeply about her...affection? You hope you were right, but you were so damn wrong. Lingering touches, locking eyes with you for even just a second more, even her poses. She was hoping you would lose it and need her right at the event. It was like she was openly begging for it. You were also very quickly losing your patience playing nice because your hormones were insane this time of the month. Once the red carpet was done, she brings you inside the venue to sit down. You two seated next to each other- so given the situation so far? Not a good arrangement. Though yes, the seating planned was actually confirmed weeks prior. "You want a drink, baby?" Auli'i asks when she returned to her seat after mingling. You didn't know many people there and didn't want to make a fool out of yourself by being nervous. Oh! And you were so easily upset or made emotional by the stupidest things now(thanks, hormones) that staying at the table was the smartest decision. She was behind your seat, her arm across just below your collarbone as she kissed the crown of your head. "Are you okay?"

"Mm, yeah. I just don't know what to say to people - I don't know most of them here." You told her. It wasn't a total lie. But the whole truth, her being touchy made you frustrated. "Aw that's okay." She assured, "You want a champagne?"

"Okay." You said as you got up from your seat, "Let's go together." Once you got one drink, you quickly downed that, and another. You stood in your spot, gaze panning over the whole hall. It was beginning to fill up. Then you felt Auli'i's eyes on you again, and just as you made eye contact with her, her friend stopped to say hi. Of course, you said hi back, but then just kept quiet and let them catch up. You've only met that friend of hers probably twice before tonight, so you weren't exactly too bothered about making small talk. However, you were at the SAG Awards so some of the actors and actresses that you've looked up to since you were a kid, were in attendance. Eventually, you and Auli'i have made your way back to the table. The rest of your table mates have arrived and you politely said hi before retreating back into your shell. Why was Auli'i watching you like a hawk?

You so wished that you could just mess with her right there but leaving to go mess around in the bathroom at an award show that was broadcast nationally? With her fans knowing she'd be here? You weren't going to take this particular risk. No way.

You were nice to everyone you met that night, fighting the very strong urge to doze off— fucking pms. You hated the week that led up to your period. And this annoying fatigue was one of the things that definitely made you very irritable. The show started soon enough so you were paying attention to that. But all the while being distracted by Auli'i's antics. Something was simple as her putting her hand on your thigh made you feel like you were a horny teenager. Fuck. Ha- it didn't help that she'd be squeezing your thigh intermittently and sliding her hand downwards some. One hour in, you squinted at her. She knew what you were trying to ask without you even saying anything, yet she continued. Knowing exactly where it would lead, well, not exactly. But she wasn't entirely wrong, this one.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now