Chapter 115

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"SHIT!" Cartman begins to back up.

"It's over, Eric." Tweek gives Cartman a sad look. "This could've ended differently, but you were greedy."

"Wait- stop! I can fix this!"

Tweek shakes his head. "Too late. Far, far too late."

Tweek and Craig release the power onto Cartman, sending him flying. All the power Tweek and Craig could pull out after the accident drove into Cartman.

Cartman falls to the ground, not moving.

Tweek and Craig both fall to the floor as well, having just used all of their strength and energy.

"Did we... do... it..?" Tweek looks up weakly.

"I think so..."

Tweek and Craig watch Cartman closely, but neither of them see any movement.

"Ha... ha ha..." Cartman begins to laugh.

"What?! But we put everything into that!"

Cartman props himself up. "Close one... I almost died from that... luckily you two aren't at full power right now... it's over for you..."

"N-no..." Tweek stares in horror.

Cartman stands up and slowly walks to Tweek and Craig.

Craig tries to stand, but he can't, he was rendered too weak.

One hit. Only one more hit, and Eric Cartman would be defeated. But it wasn't possible. Tweek and Craig were both immobile. And he was only getting closer.

Cartman reaches Craig first. He puts a hand out and claws appear from it.

Tweek gathers what little strength he had left. "W-wait!! Stop! Don't hurt him!"

"Oh? And why shouldn't I?"

"I... I'll do whatever you want! I'll go anywhere willingly and you can torture me or kill me, whatever you want! Please! Just don't hurt him!"

"And what if he comes after you?"

"Take me far away, somewhere he can't reach..."

Craig looks at Tweek in disbelief. "Tweek? What are you doing?"

Tears leak from Tweeks eyes. "Trying to save you..."

"You ca- mm!"

Cartman steps on Craigs head, pushing his face into the floor so he can't talk.


"Your offer doesn't seem all too appealing to me. If you can't sweeten the deal, then I'll have to kill him. Nice and slow."

Craig struggles, but he can't get out.

"You guys REALLY made this too easy. I wa-"

A sharp slicing sound, then gurgling. Tweek looks up to see blood spraying from Cartmans neck.


Cartmans corpse falls to the ground. Tweek sees Heidi standing behind him holding a broken wine glass she had used to cut his throat.

"Heidi?! I thought you died!!"

"I will soon... I had medicine... to delay..." Heidi falls to her knees.


"Couldn't... die... without taking him... with... me..." Heidi falls next to Cartman.

Heidi and Cartman both lie on the floor of the gala hall. Dead.

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