Chapter 106

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Tweek and Craig are transferred back to FP headquarters. They are put in a room together.

Wendy is asked to make a medical decision for Craig.

The doctor comes in to ask Wendy. "Hey, the surgery went well. We were able to fix his broken back without him being paralyzed. However, his arm got shattered in the collapse. We had to amputate."


"We have a spare arm. The late Tolkien Black wrote in his will that he wished to donate it to the medical team incase someone lost their arm like he did. It's a match, we can give Craig the arm if you give us the green light."

"I mean, yeah. Craig was his best friend, he would want him to have it."

"Then we will proceed if he wakes up."

"Are they both doing okay? Are they going to make it?"

"We checked vitals this morning. Tweek is expected to make a full recovery. We estimate he will regain consciousness within the next two weeks."

"Thank god..."

"Craig wasn't so lucky. It appears he took most of the damage from the collapse."

"He was protecting Tweek..."

"We don't know if he will make it but we will monitor his condition."

"Thank you."

"Of course."

The doctor leaves and Wendy walks over to Tweek.

"You're not gonna be happy when you find out he sacrificed himself for you... it's like Jimmy all over again... why do the bad things always happen to you?"

She clenches her fist and storms out.

Wendy finds Stan in the meeting room. "We need to kill Eric. Have you found any leads as to where he might be?"

"Not yet. But I've thought up some ideas on how to get him out."

"Like what?"

"A ceremony. We have a public ceremony celebrating our halfway mark on the facilities. We advertise it everywhere. It's an exclusive event only a few people can go to."

"Why would he go to that?"

"We give speeches about how he heroically destroyed that last one. We tell the public that we are saddened that we can't find him to celebrate him. With an ego like that, he wouldn't be able to turn it down."

"That might work... okay. I'll get to advertising."

Clyde and Bebe enter the room.

Clyde shuts the door. "Not so fast. We are helping. We overheard and we want to exact revenge on that asshole too. Let us help."

"Clyde, it's a difficult thing, he's strong."

"I am too."

"You don't have powers!"

"Neither do you."

"Oh. Right..."

"We can help without fighting. Bebe and I know the best ways to poison people. We work with the potions team to develop cures all the time. Let us help, we can get him to drink something ten times more fatal than what he gave Craig. Plus, we have an inside perspective."

"Inside perspective?"

"Heidi reached out to me. She was offering to help steer Eric away. If we get in contact with her we can recruit her."

"She's a traitor."

"Listen to her story first. It's a lot more complicated than you think."

"...okay. Bring her in on Friday. Meeting in this room at 12. I want you all here."

"Thank you. You won't regret this."

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