Chapter 91

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"Okay. We have the map for the next facility. This one is another underground one. It's called Shi, it's in Chicago Illinois."

"In the city? And underground?" Craig asks.

"Yeah, they use a city building as a shield. We can't be reckless in there or the entire building could fall. And they know that. They know we can't risk casualties like that. We need to find ways to destroy the console without blowing it up."

Wendy leans back. "Chicago has a population of 2 million. A fallen building could be devastating..."

"Exactly. So we have two options. We can either find whoever is connected to the console and kill them, or we could research ways to shut it down. Wendy? I need you to try and hack into a console. We have a sample in the lab still."

"Okay... that could be difficult..."

"Craig will be working with you since he can see how it's aura reacts."


"Stan, you and I are on research. We will be traveling to the building while these two test things. We need to see what the building above the facility is up to."




"We leave in two days. Sunday morning. Craig and Wendy, can you start today?"

Wendy stands up, "We can start right now. I have some ideas and I don't want to lose them. Craig?"

"I'm in, let's go."

Wendy and Craig leave. Stan and Tweek begin to discuss how they can infiltrate the company.


Tweek waits up for Craig at night. He comes home at 11pm.

"Craig? What took so long?"

"We did a lot of testing. It was exhausting. We only took breaks to eat." Craig flops onto the bed.

"Do you want a massage?"

"You know how to do that?"


"Go for it."

Tweek gently massages Craig's back and shoulders.

"Ugh... fuck, that's nice..."

Tweek blushes and tries not to acknowledge the sounds Craig is making. "I'm glad it feels good. You worked hard today, thank you."

"Haha, I'm glad my boss is pleased with me."

"I forget that I'm your boss sometimes."

"I do too. You don't usually fuck your boss silly like I did."

"Ugh, why did you phrase it like that?"

"It's the best way to describe it."

"Just close your eyes and relax."

"Tweek, before you leave, do you have any free time?"

"Before I go to Chicago? Yeah. Tomorrow is practically empty."

"Will you come with me for lunch? I'm meeting with my mom."

"Why do you want me to come?"

"I figured I should introduce you as my fiancé."

"Right." Tweek smiles, "Fiancé... it still feels like a dream."

"Want me to pinch you?"

"Nah. If it is a dream, I never want to wake up."

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