Chapter 114

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"AGH!" Craig falls backward. "FUCK!" He curls up, putting a hand on his open wound.

Tweek quickly heals him, closing up the wound to stop the bleeding.

He turns around just in time to see Cartman's fist flying at him. It hits his nose and sends him flying back into the wall.

"Ugh..." Tweek struggles back to his feet. He sees Craig struggling to stand as well.

"Shit... this isn't working... our attacks aren't strong enough and he can just keep reversing the damage..."

Cartman smiles. "I'm so glad you finally understand how outmatched you both are. Ready to admit defeat? If you beg, I might make your deaths a bit less painful. Although, I would love to see you both writhing in pain."

Craig scowls, "Fucking bastard..."

Cartman jumps up, flying towards Tweek.

"TWEEK! LOOK OUT!" Craig sprints towards Tweek, racing Cartman.

Craig manages to tackle Tweek out of the way just in time. He and Tweek both scoot back until they're out of reach of Cartmans attacks.

"Tweek... what do we do?"

"I don't know... I think... hmm..."

"Do you have an idea?"

"I do... but it might sound stupid."

"That doesn't matter right now. What's the idea?"

"Your power to amplify emotions. We can use it to strengthen our power. You just amplify a strong emotion for me, and it'll project into you as well. Then we will be in sync and way stronger. Then we just have to combine our attacks into a big powerful one that takes out Cartman in one hit."

"It's worth a try. Come on, we can buy ourselves time by running to the other corner."

Craig and Tweek begin running, hand in hand.

"Ha! Running from me?! It's no use, you aren't escaping this."

Craig ignores Cartmans words and focuses on Tweeks colors. They weren't fractured like they were before. It was hard to see his colors, but there was one that seemed strong. The strongest emotion Tweek felt. Love.

"Ha... I'm going to treat you so good as your husband. Fucking adorable, Tweek."

"What are you talking about?"

Craig watches Tweeks love grow larger after hearing what he said. He amplifies it as much as he can.

"What emotion is this? It's so warm..."

"Love, my dear."

"Haha, guess it's already projecting on you."

They reach the corner and turn around. Cartman is speed walking confidently towards them.

Tweek and Craig nod at each other and join hands again. They both focus their power together.

"Not... quite enough... we need more!" Tweek begins to worry.

"More love? Easy."

Craig kisses Tweek. A long deep kiss.

Their hearts intertwine.

The power radiating off of them begins to lift them off the floor. They float gently in the air.

Cartman sees the power growing. He takes a step back. "The fuck..?"

"You underestimated our love for each other, Eric Cartman." Craig smiles.

"What? What's with this cheesy fucking display?"

Tweek and Craig hold out their hands and build up their final attack. Together.

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