Chapter 110

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Wendy briefs Tweek on the plans they had made while he was out.

"You guys are going to kill him? Is Dr. Timothy okay with that?"

"He doesn't know."

"He'll find out eventually."

"I know. But for now we can't afford any more obstacles. He needs to go down before any more of us do."

"Okay. I support you. I can't help much because I'm weak right now, and I want to stay with Craig."

"I know. You don't have to do much. If anything we might have you give a public statement to draw him out. Get some rest though. We can handle this."

"Okay. Good luck."

"Thanks, Tweek... and I'm sorry about all of this... you two deserved a better last mission."

"Thanks. As long as Craig pulls through everything will be fine."

"He's going to be upset about his arm."

"I don't think so. It'll definitely be an adjustment but I don't think he will be sad or anything."

"Well, your emotions went back to normal, what if his do too? He could feel a lot of things."

"No. Craig didn't have much emotional response to begin with. He never felt emotions the same way we do."

"I see... well, I wish you two luck. I gotta go. Lots of planning to do."

"Okay. Good luck, new team leader."

She smiles. "Thank you."


The next few days are packed full for the team. They set up a ceremony and put out advertisements. Heidi continues to treat Craig. Tweek watches over Craig constantly from his bed in their shared room.

A few days pass. Tweek hasn't seen very many people coming in or out. They've all been busy.

After 5 days, someone knocks on the door to their room.

Tweek yells. "Come in!"

Stan enters. "Hey."

"Stan. It's been a minute. What have you been up to?"

"Little personal mission."

"How'd it go?"

"Pretty fuckin great."

Tweek smiles. "I'm glad."

Stab reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cloth bag. He gently sets the small bag in Tweeks hands.

"What's this?"

"Open it and see."

Tweek opens the bag. "No way..."

"They were real hard to find. Almost didn't make it there before the cleanup got to them. They are a bit scratched and Craig's might be chipped, but you said they were important so..."

Tweek wipes his eyes, "You actually got our rings back..."

"What do you say..?"

"Thank you... thank you so much I... I don't know how I could ever pay you back..."

"Think of this as a parting gift. A thanks for being a good leader all these years and a farewell gift. Wishing you two the best in your free life."

"Craig is going to be so happy that you... oh..."

"..." Stan awkwardly looks at the floor.

Tweek kept forgetting Craig wasn't stable like he was, and that it still wasn't certain that he would wake up.

"Thank you. I'll take good care of these, I won't loose them again."

"Good. Get some rest. I'll see you."


Once Stan leaves, Tweek puts on his ring. "Still fits."

He washes the dried blood off of Craig's ring and slides it onto the robot arm.

"A bit big... we can get that all fixed when you wake up. I'm waiting here for you... please hurry and get better. I need you."

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