Chapter 107

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Heidi comes to the meeting Wendy had set up. She's wearing a trench coat to hide her identity. Almost everyone in the building knew her face.

"Heidi. Have a seat."

She sits down.

"How can you help us here?"

"I uhm... I'm his spy right now. He has me deliver letters and report back to him on what's happening. I can get him here."

"How can we trust you?"

"I don't have much but... I can show you our texts. In fact, you can monitor them until the job is done if you want..."

"Why do you want to help us? You care about him, don't you?"

"I did but... I can't keep ignoring the evil things he's doing. I don't know if you guys even understand how much he's done to hurt you."

"We usually catch him in the act. Is there anything he's done that we don't know about?"

"He's the one who kidnapped and tortured Tweek at Tolkiens funeral."

Stan and Wendy trade surprised looks. "That was him?!"

"Yeah. He was planning on killing Craig. He wanted me to take away his powers."

"You have the ability to take away powers?"

"You guys didn't know that?"

"We didn't... why did he want to kill Craig?"

"Craig messed up his plans. He was going to take Tweeks place as leader before Craig came in a ruined everything."

"Is he still after him?"

"Not right now. He's in hiding."

"Good. I'm sure he knows he fucked that one up."

"Is Craig even alive? Eric told me both of them died."

"He's... he is recovering. Kinda. He took a cyanide pill and a lot of damage from a building falling on him."

"I see, his heart is probably irregular, but beating, yes?"

"How'd you know?"

"I'm the best doctor this place has had. I know a thing or two about this stuff."

"... I'll trust you to help us if you can bring them both back to normal."

"What? Cyanide is dangerous, it's hard to-"

"This is the only option in giving you. Take it or leave it."

"... okay. I'll try."

"Stan, go monitor Heidi. She doesn't go near them unless you're with her. Understood?"

Stan smiles lovingly at Wendy. "Yes ma'am!"

She rolls her eyes. "Go."

Heidi gets to the hospital room and examines both Tweek and Craig. She turns to Stan. "Tweek looks good. His body is in good shape and the cyanide didn't do to much damage to his blood cells. Craig's isn't doing great though. It looks like his heart is on the verge of stopping. I'm gonna go to my lab and get a special drug that can help his heart."

"Okay, I'll come with."

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