Chapter 87

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"I love you so much, Tweek. And that's exactly why I'm not going to touch you right now. I'll take you to bed and we can sleep."

"You aren't gonna have sex with me?"

"No. I care about you too much to take advantage of your vulnerability right now. You're not thinking straight. Consent doesn't work if you aren't in your right mind."

"Craig... you're too good for me..."

"Haha, we don't need to tell lies now. Come on, let's get to bed."

Craig picks up Tweeks shirt and holds his hand. They go into the bedroom and Craig tucks Tweek in under the blanket, just how he likes it.

"Can I put my head on your chest?" Tweek asks, peeking from under the blanket.

"Please do."


"Ugh..." Tweek wakes up with a raging headache.

He looks behind him to see the rest of his bed empty. "Did I dream all of that? But it was so sweet..."

He gets up and opens his door. He is instantly hit by a wave of a delicious smell. Craig was in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Good morning, honey."

"Craig? What's all this?"

"When you told me about your worries last night I started brainstorming ways to show you how much you mean to me. So I spent all morning following this recipe to make you breakfast. Buttermilk pancakes and shredded hash browns. All made from scratch with the finest ingredients of the local Walmart."

"Craig, how are you so perfect?"

"Perfection is a social construct. Oh, I left the coffee making to you. I know you like making it so I didn't wanna steal all the fun."

"Thank you..."

"I love you."

"Why that so suddenly?"

"Cause I want you to know it. I love you."

"I love you too... can I take you somewhere after we eat?"


Tweek makes coffee. He makes his usual cup and then makes a different cup for Craig, one with much more cream and sugar, just how he likes it.


After eating Tweek gets up and carries the dishes to the sink. Then he grabs his keys. "Let's go."

"What do you need your keys for?"

"One of my keys can lock the rec room."

"Oh, we're going to the rec room? Are you sore?"

"I plan to be."


"You're cute. Let's go."

Tweek leads Craig to the rec room. He locks the door behind them and takes off his clothes.

"Did you bring your swimsuit? Are we going to the sauna or the hot tubs?" Craig asks, a bit confused as to what was going on.

"Do you remember when you first came here? I was standing guard outside this room on your second day. Do you remember why?"


"Aren't you curious? Don't you want to see how it feels? Hmm?" Tweek traces his hand up Craig's chest slowly.

"You're so tempting." Craig smirks.

"Act on your temptations then."

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