Chapter 100 🎉🎉

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The next morning for Craig is spent with Stripe, trying to figure out how to stop him from teleporting. Luckily they had a generous stash of food still, and Stripe was eating slow from how full he was. Sometimes he would fall asleep on the leafy greens. Craig found this adorable.

Tweek and Stan come back late at night. Craig meets Tweek on the roof and walks with him to the room.

Tweek falls into the bed. "Ugh... so tired..."

Craig smiles. "I can tell. Long day?"

"Yeah. Travel and a fake job."

"You did good, honey. Good job."

"Thanks, Craig. I'm just happy to be home."

"Yeah. I missed you. It's harder to sleep in this big bed all my myself."

"Agreed. Come to bed, let's rest."


They cuddle in bed. For Tweek, this kind of thing was like a charger, it refilled his battery to be with Craig like this.

Craig, on the other hand, couldn't get his heart to stop racing.



"When do we leave for the mission?"

"A week and a half. Why?"

"So for a week and a half, you don't need to do anything too physical? Like, with your legs?"

"No? What's with this series of questions?"

"I want to have sex. But I don't want to make you limp if you have something important."

"Ah. I'm not sure if I could do much, my body is tired."

"I can do all the work..."

"...okay... try to be a bit more gentle this time, I'll pass out if you go too hard."



Tweek wakes up with very little feeling in his legs. He has to crawl out of bed to go to the bathroom. "Jesus... I told him to go easy on me..."

Craig lifts Tweek up and carries him to the bathroom.

"Ah!! You scared me! How long have you been awake?"

Craig smiles, "An hour. I was just watching the clouds."

Tweek rolls his eyes as Craig sets him down, "Glad you're feeling so refreshed. Meanwhile I'm over here with zero mobility."

"It felt good though, right?"

Tweek smiles, "Yes. I guess this is the price I have to pay for pleasure like that."

Tweek goes to the bathroom and slumps back into bed with Craig. He cuddles up to his chest.



"During the mission, I want us to stay together the whole time. I don't want to lose sight of you even once while we're in there."

"Okay. I'll work it into the plan. I don't want to be away from you either."

"It's like... since it's the last mission I'm even more scared than I was before. Like... I'm scared something will go wrong... I don't want things to end right when they're starting... you know?"

"I do. And I feel the same way. Don't worry. We can stick together, we fight better as a pair anyway."

"Thank you, Tweek."

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