Chapter 112

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Tweek slowly steps forward, unsure if what he is seeing is real. "C-Craig... Are you really..."

"I'm here, Tweek."

Tweek starts off in a run toward Craig. He jumps on him with a big hug.

Craig stumbles, "Tweek! Careful, my legs aren't- Ah!"

Tweek and Craig both fall to the floor with a loud thud. 


Tweek shoves his lips to Craigs.

"Craig! Craig, I missed you so much!!"

"Haha, I guess I was out for a while, huh?" Craig cups his hand around Tweeks face.

"Way too long!"

"Sorry. I love you."

"I love you too! We are getting married as soon as we finish this."

"Deal. But... What is this? What are you guys all doing?"

"Oh, we are waiting for Cartman to show up. He should be here any-"

The front door to the gala hall opens. Cartman walks in confidently.


Cartman looks around. "Pretty decorations. This all for little old me?"

Wendy smiles and holds out her hand. "Yep! We wanted to give you a warm welcome. A hero deserves his recognition."

Cartman shakes Wendy's hand. "That's true. I'm glad you all finally realized my true potential."

"Come on over, we can drink to your success!"

Wendy leads Cartman over to the drink table where the remaining alive members wait.

Wendy hands Cartman his drink and grabs her own. She raises her glass. "To The Coon!"

"To the Coon."

Cartman watches Wendy drink.

Everyone else watches Cartman, waiting for him to drink. He raises the glass to his lips but stops.

"Is something wrong?" Stan asks.

"There's something in my pocket that's bothering me. Hold on."

Cartman reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small controller. 

Wendy squints. "What's this for?"

Cartman presses a button on the controller and audio begins to play. Audio of Heidi telling the group that she was willing to help them.

Cartman steps to the side and smiles at Heidi. "Thought you could double-cross me?"

Heidi steps back, she reaches behind her to open the door but the mechanical lock is activated. She looks horrified.

"You all made a great effort, but I'm not that gullible. I know exactly how you all feel about me."

Heidi falls to her knees. "H-how did you..."

"A chip, Heidi. I had a small chip implanted into your neck to record your every action. Shame that you had to do this, you really did have my trust."

"W-what!? A chip? Get it out!" Heidi starts feeling around her neck for a chip.

"I mean, it's a bit soon, but if you really want it out..."

Carman holds the controller and presses a button on it.

Heidi starts to shake, then she falls to the floor and stops moving.

Tweek jumps off Craig and checks Heidi for a pulse. 


Her heart stopped.

Cartman laughs, "The only way to disable that chip is to kill the one it's implanted in. It's sad, really. She was a good doctor. Real potential."

Stan lunges forward to try and restrain Cartman, but he is zapped. He falls to the ground.

"Oh, I forgot to say, I had an inside man add electrodes to the wine you all drank. It won't kill you, but you sure as hell won't be conscious for a while."

The rest of the people around the table fall to the ground. The room falls silent.

The only people conscious in the room are Tweek, Craig, and Cartman.

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