Chapter 116

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"We are gathered here today, in this beautiful forest, to witness the joining of Tweek Tweak, and Craig Tucker. This isthe marriage celebration of two people who have devoted themselves so far to the betterment of the world around them. Today, we see them devoting themselves to each other and to themselves. 

Do you, Tweek Tweak, take Craig Tucker to be your lawfully wedded husband?  Will you honor and cherish him;  love, trust, and commit to him, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both until death do you part? "

Tweek cannot contain his smile, he has been smiling ear to ear since he had seen Craig in his wedding suit walking down the aisle. He wipes a tear from his eye. "I do."

"And do you, Craig Tucker, take Tweek Tweak to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you honor and cherish him; love, trust, and commit to him, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both until death do you part?"

Craig squeezes Tweeks hands. "I do."

"May we have the rings?"

Stripe, who is sitting on the ring pillow, stares blankly at Craig. He has a small bowtie on.

Craig laughs and picks up the rings. "Thanks, ring man Stripe."

Craig slips a ring onto Tweeks ring finger, and Tweek does the same. Craig wipes the tears from Tweeks face and smiles lovingly at him.

"Mr. Tweak and Mr. Tucker, having proclaimed your love and commitment to one another in the eyes of these loved ones, and with the power vested in me by the FP foundation and the state of New York, I am so happy to pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss!"

Craig cups Tweeks face in his hand and pulls him into a kiss.

Everyone in the ceremony cheered, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Even Dr. Timothy shed a tear.

"Thank you all for joining me in this special moment. Please enjoy the reception. And congratulations to our two heroes!"

Tweek and Craig link arms and walk down the aisle, which is just a red carpet in the forest wedding venue they had chosen.

Everyone sits around a long rectangular table. Wendy stands up and hits a fork against her glass. Tweek and Craig asked that she and Stan give speeches at their wedding, as their friends and as the ones who got them to where they are today.

Wendy waits for everyone to quiet down. "I hope you're all having a wonderful night. I know that Tweek and Craig will be remembering this day for the rest of their lives together. When Craig first joined our team, I could instantly tell that our little Tweek had taken an interest in him. I was surprised since Tweek had never shown interest in anybody before. They have come so far together, and done so much for the greater good. They have both earned their spot in the happy life that lies ahead of them."

Tweek scoots his chair over and hugs Craig's arm. Craig rests his head on top of Tweeks.

Stan stands up and begins his speech. It's fairly similar to Wendys, with a few more jokes.

Craig stands up. "Before we get the real party started... I wanted to name a couple of people who helped us get here, and who gave their lives for us. People we will never fully be able to repay. People who we are indebted to. Tolkien Black, and Heidi Turner. Both amazing and heroic people. We would like to thank them, from the bottom of our hearts."


The party lasts all night. Stan and Clyde get piss drunk and almost knock the wedding cake over. Craig takes a mother-son dance with his mom, and Stripe sat on his mom's shoulder almost the whole time (With the exception of his escaping to try and eat Tweeks salad).

Once the ceremony was over, everyone gave their congratulations and went home.


Tweek and Craig step into their new home. It's an expensive cottage in the forest on the east side of New York. 

Craig takes Tweeks hand and drags him to the bedroom, where roses were set out in a heart on the bed.


"Everyone knows you have to consummate the marriage." Craig smiles.

"Haha, you're so cute. Did you set all this up while I was getting ready?"

"I did. Do you like it?"

"I love it."

Craig pulls Tweek onto the bed and slides his left hand under Tweek's white suit.

"Ah!" Tweek gasps

"Something wrong?"

"Haha... No... Your hand is just cold, it startled me..."

Craig looks down at his robotic arm. "Oh, right. I keep forgetting."

Tweek and Craig make love, gently and lovingly. 

Their love is power. Their love is truth. Their love is eternal. 

Their love is theirs, and only theirs, to enjoy for the rest of their lives.


Tweek and Craig sit on the porch of their cottage. A large black dog runs through their yard. His name was Spot. Chasing the dog is a small blonde child.

Tweek and Craig hold hands on the couple's swing they had bought, watching their daughter play.

"Craig, dear?"


"I love you."

"I love you too, honey. More than words can describe."


Thank you for reading Creek - Hero (The alternate ending)

I didn't expect the first ending to be received like it was. Although this isn't the true ending I intended, It was still fun to write.

This was a long story, I would like to thank you all for bearing with me and reading this far. 


Alternate ending anthem:

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