Chapter 93

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Craig brings Stripe to the lab. He carries Stripe in his hand and gives him a little tour to make him feel less anxious. He lets him explore the lab a bit before meeting with Wendy.

Wendy comes in and sees Craig sitting on the floor playing with Stripe. "Aww... he's adorable."

He lifts Stripe up. "This is Wendy. She's gonna connect you to the console. Be a good subject, okay? Squeal really loud if you need help." 

Wendy takes Stripe and connects his arm to a scanner. "All good to go. Can I start?"


Craig watches Stripe closely. He could never see Stripes aura so he was curious if he even had a soul behind those blank eyes.

Wendy flips a switch and the aura around the console surrounds Stripe.

Wendy looks at Craig, "Did it work?"

"Yeah, they're combined."

"Okay. Now we just need to figure out how to-"

"Why did you stop?"

Wendy walks over to the corner of the room and picks up an envelope. "This just fell from the ceiling... it has your name on it."

She brings it to him and he opens it up.

Remember you owe me one.
Don't forget.
-the Coon

"Shit... I forgot..."

"About what?"

"When Cartman gave me that cure he told me that I owe him. I forgot about that."

"What does the letter say? Does he want something?"

"No... it's just a reminder... but why now?"

Wendy takes the letter and reads it, "Ugh, how does he keep getting in here? For a huge guy like him, he sure is sneaky."

"Yeah..." Craig thinks hard. "Why now... why right now... what's his game?"

"I need to go look at the security system. He shouldn't be able to get in. I'll be back in a bit. Stay with Stripe."


Wendy leaves.

"What could he want... does he have something planned..."

He looks at Stripe, then at the letter.

"Shit. I never told Tweek about this. Is Cartman planning something with him? Damn it..."

He pulls out his phone and texts Tweek. He would call but that would put Tweeks infiltration at risk.

Craig: Tweek, we need to talk. Call me when you get this.

He puts his phone down and sighs. "I hope everything is okay... please respond..."

He turns back to Stripe. "Huh?"

Stripe is no longer on the table.

"Stripe? Where'd you go?"

He looks all over the lab. "Where the fuck..?"

Wendy comes back. "Alright. Ready to begin?"

"I can't find Stripe."

"What? I told you to keep an eye on him."

"I was! I swear I looked away for one second, I didn't even hear anything!"

"Okay... let's look for him together. He couldn't have gotten far."

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