Chapter 102

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The wire is cut. Silence fills the room. The console stopped responding, it didn't explode. Craig looks over to Stripe, still alive in Tweeks hands.

Craig exhales, "It worked."

Wendy smiles, "Really?! It worked?! No more aura?!"

"Yeah, it's gone. We did it."

Wendy cheers, "We did it! We actually did it!!"

Craig goes to Tweek and puts a hand on his shoulder. "You can stop now. It's all clear."

Tweek opens his eyes and sighs in relief when he sees Stripe still alive in his hand. "It worked?"

"It did."

Tweek smiles, "I'm so glad..."

"Me too, can we go back to sleep?"

"Yeah. Let's get Stripe to his cage and then we can go to bed,"

They cuddle back into their bed. Craig stares at the ceiling.

"Craig? Are you doing okay? You seem out of it."

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"We figured out how to disconnect someone from the console without them getting hurt. We figured out how to destroy it without anyone dying..."

"That's a good thing, why are you down?"

"Too fucking late."


"We figured it out too late. If we had done it sooner, if I had caught the abnormalities sooner, he would still be alive."

"You're talking about Tolkien?"


"Sweetie, you can't still blame yourself for what happened. Nothing could've changed. Things happen the way they do and we can't change that."

"I know. I'm still sad about it..."

"That's fair. Try to get some sleep. We can do something fun tomorrow if you want."

"Okay, thanks babe."

"No problem. Goodnight."



The morning of the mission arrives. Tweek and Craig both get into costume.

Tweek ties his headband and finds Craig on his back in the bed.

"Craig we have get going soon."

"I don't wanna go to work today..."

"I know. But it's the last day. Just get through today. Think about our cute little cottage in the woods. We can go wedding shopping tomorrow if we want."

"Mmm... okay."

He stands up. Before leaving they both say goodbye to Stripe. Stripe looks to be disappointed that he can no longer teleport.

They meet Stan and Wendy on the roof. "Ready to go?" Stan asks.

"Yep. Let's get this done." Craig is the first on the helicopter.

The ride is short since the city isn't far from the FP headquarters.

They land on the roof of a FP branch. Then, they catch a car to the newspaper building.

"So, are we just waltzing in?" Craig asks.

"Kinda. We go in through the back and sneak to the storage closet. There shouldn't be any people in that hall. Davina also says she's turning off the cameras."

"Do you trust her?"

"It doesn't matter. We just need to hope she's doing what she says. If we get caught we can just fight our way out anyway."

"You're right."

The car pulls up to the building and the group gets out.

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