Chapter 111

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"Ugh... my head..." Craig sits up and puts his palm to his forehead. His headache was almost unbearable.

"Wait... what the fuck?"

Craig extends his robotic arm. He moves it around, trying to figure out if it was real. he recognized it as soon as he saw it.

"Why do I have his... wait... am I alive?"

Craig looks around, he is alone in a hospital room, the same one he had been in before.

"I'm back at HQ... but Tweek isn't here... there's no way I survived and he didn't... right? Fuck... I need someone to tell me what's going on... is there a nurse call button or something?"

Craig searches his bedside, there's controls for the bed, and a button with an exclamation point on it. He presses it and waits.

After a few seconds, the door to his room flies open. Heidi stumbles in, out of breath. "Y-You're awake!"

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me I went back in time or some shit. Pretty sure I'm supposed to be dead and you're supposed to be fired."

"It's a long story, but you survived. Stan got you out in time. I'm just here to help get you back to life, you've been asleep for a long time."

"What about Tweek? Is he..."

"He's alive. He's been watching over you. You both miraculously made it back in one piece... more or less..." she gestures to his arm.

"What happened to it?"

"From what I hear, it shattered when you took the hit for Tweek."

"Where is he? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. He and the others are at an... event right now. Actually, if you're feeling well enough to stand, you might want to come see."

"What is it?"

"They're going to kill Eric Cartman. He is about to arrive downstairs. He's expecting a welcome party, but he has a big surprise coming to him."

"Why are you on our side now?"

"Sometimes it takes a while to realize how horrible someone is."

"You promise Tweek is down there?"

"Yep. Just saw him."

"Okay. Is there clothes I can wear?"

"Yeah. Let me go get some."

Craig gets dressed and leaves the medical wing. His movement is limited due to his broken bones still healing, but he can at least walk.

He makes his way down the building with Heidi helping him. They enter the big gala hall. Tweek and the others are standing in the middle. A table with a few drinks sits in-front of them.

Craig watches from afar as Tweek speaks to Wendy. He sighs in relief and smiles lovingly at Tweek.

"We did it... we survived. Our crazy antics didn't kill us... I'm so happy..."

Heidi nudges Craig. "Go to him!"

Craig yells to get Tweeks attention, not wanting to walk much more. "Tweek!"

Tweeks eyes widen. He slowly turns his head.

Tweek and Craig make eye contact. They look at each-other, alive, for the first time in over a month.

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