Chapter 104 - Alternate ending

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Second ending. You guys got a bit too sad about the ending of the story so I'm writing you guys your alternate ending.

Enjoy :)

*the previous ending is the real ending.*

Craigs eyes flutter open for one second. He sees the floor beneath him moving before he goes back into unconsciousness.

"Ugh- damn it!" Stan lifts two large bits of rubble to reveal Tweek and Craig. He picks Tweek up over his shoulder and drags Craig.

He struggles to get through the rubble. The fallen structure above him made it almost impossible to see. He had a gadget that gave off a bit of light but he couldn't see well.

He reaches a wall. "Ack!"

He falls over, dropping the boys. "Damn it..."

He takes a break from carrying them, the opening he found looked stable enough. He sits down and takes a breath. His hair was wet from his blood.

"—an?! Stan!? Are you there!? Please answer!"

Stan finally got to pick up the signal on his radio. Wendy is calling to him.

"Hey. I'm here."


"Sorry... I'm okay though... and I found them."

"Damn it Stan. You're in so much trouble for that stunt. Do you have any idea how scary that was?! I thought you got crushed!"

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you. For now I need you to help me out."

"Fine. Are you in a stable area?"

"I am."

"Okay. You found them, right? Are they still alive?"

Stan feels for a pulse on both of them.

"Their heart beats are getting slower by the second. I think they took the cyanide."

"Probably didn't wanna get crushed..."

"They would've been if I didn't activate my shield in time. I was just barely able to deflect the rubble."

"Okay. Check your hip bag, I packed you some potions. There should be two green vials. Do you see them? Are they still intact?"


"Okay. Those are heavy duty health potions. See if you can get them to swallow those. You might have to reach in to open their throats."

Stan opens Tweeks mouth and pours the potion in. One of Stan's hands is broken, so he has to use his other to massage Tweeks neck to get him to swallow. He does the same with Craig.


"Okay. Now we just have to hope that works. Cyanide is a fast acting poison so it might be too late. Let's focus on getting you all out now."

"I carried them west. I hit a wall, I'll send a gps signal out."

"I see it... looks like you're near a sewer system. Can you get through that wall? It should be 15 feet past that."

"I can try." Stan uses his power to smash away at the wall.

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