Chapter 95

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"This is the cafeteria. You can come here on your lunch breaks or you can go somewhere outside to eat. It's up to you."

"Does everyone in the building eat here?"

"More or less. Everyone in the building has access to it at least. It's very popular, even the big shots like it here."

"Big shots?"

"People in positions of power here."

"So, like the executives?"

"Sure. Next up we have the marketing floor, come."

Tweek makes a mental note of how vague she was about the people in power.


After another two hours of learning how the company works, Tweek is let out for a lunch break. He decides to step outside and check his phone. He reads both of his new texts.

"Is this a prank message? Weird... I should probably call him... sounds important."

Tweek calls Craig.


"Hey, Craig. I just saw your text. What's up?"

"Is everything going okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I need to tell you something, how much time do you have?"

"I'm on my lunch break so... about an hour?"

"Okay. So remember how we found that cure for you?"

"I do."

"The person who gave that to me was Cartman."


"I forgot to tell you, sorry."

"How'd he get to you?! Why did you take it?!"

"We tested it and it worked Tweek. I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to help you."

"Okay... but did you meet with him? How'd he get it to you?"

"He slipped me a letter somehow. Told me to meet him on the roof. He left after telling me I owe him."

"I see... so it was for his own gain..."

"Yeah. I'm telling you this now because I just got another letter. It was just a reminder that I owe him. I wanted to call you to make sure he hadn't done anything. You're sure it's safe? Nothing weird?"

"I did get a text..."

"From who? What's it say?"

"Just that I'm being watched. No big deal."

"What?! That's absolutely a big deal! That could be Cartman!"

"If it is, there's nothing I can do about it. I can't blow my cover."

"What if he hurts you?"

"He won't. He probably is watching me to get info. It's too risky for him to try anything big in a place like this."

"Okay. Just keep your guard up."

"I will, don't worry."

"Also... uhm..."

"What's wrong?"

"Stripe is missing...."


"He just disappeared. It's like aliens abducted him or something. We looked everywhere and can't find him."

"Do I need to come back?"

"No. Keep your investigation going, it's important. I'll keep searching."

"Sounds like you might have an Eric Cartman fucking up your end too."

"I hope not... If he kidnaped Stripe I would have to kill him."

"Keep me updated. I can't respond to calls but I'll look at my texts whenever I have free time."

"Okay. I'll keep you updated. Good luck with the mission."

"Thanks. Love you."

"Love you. Bye."

Tweek hangs up and looks at the other text.

Tweek: who is this?

No response.

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