Chapter 98

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At 6 pm, Stan and Tweek return to the hotel room.

Stan takes off his disguise and exhales, "Man, that thing is way too hot." He turns to Tweek. "You get anything?"

Tweek pulls out the slip of paper. "I got the number of one of the subjects in the facility."

"Damn! I couldn't get anything... how'd you manage that?"

"This girl gave it to me. She said she wanted to help."

"Think we can trust it?"

"It's the only lead we have right now."

"True. Go for it, I guess." Stan takes out his phone and browses through it while Tweek puts the number in his phone.

"Uh... Tweek?"


"The girl who gave you that number, did she have hair kinda like Wendy's, maybe a bit longer?"

"She did. Why?"

"Dude, I know we're desperate for answers, but kissing some random girl for info? After you just got engaged?"

"What? How did you know about that?"

"There's an article about it. It's the biggest news story right now. It's everywhere."

Tweek looks through his notifications. He sees a lot of emails from reporters and the article itself. He sees the picture and the headline. The thing that concerns him most, however, is the missed call from Craig. A missed call from right after the article was posted.

"Not good..."

Stan sits up, "Why did you kiss her? And why is your hand-"

"I didn't. She kissed me, she put my hand there. She says she's being blackmailed and that she has to do that... that's when she gave me the number."

"Dude. I believe you, but think about how this looks to Craig right now. You're gonna need a more detailed excuse. Just saying 'she did it, I just sat there and let it happen' is not a good look."

"Right... I need to call him."

Tweek calls Craig. It goes to voicemail. He calls two more times and Craig still doesn't answer.

"He isn't picking up..."

"Want me to call Wendy? She should still be with him."


Stan calls Wendy, "Hey, babe. Is Craig with you?"

"No? He said he wasn't feeling well and went to his room to rest. Why do you ask?"

"Tweek can't reach him."

"He's probably sleeping."

"Could you go check on him? It's urgent."

"Sure. I'll text you when I get him to wake up."

"Thanks. Love you, bye."

Stan looks at Tweek, who is pacing back and forth. "Calm down. He's just sleeping."

"Maybe... I just hope he didn't do anything harmful because of this..."

"You know he is a rational person, he probably is waiting for your explanation."


Tweek takes out his phone and texts Davina.

Tweek: Hey, it's Tweek. Would you mind telling me who blackmailed you?

Davina: Hi! I'm glad you reached out! I don't know his name, but he was about my height, brown hair, pretty large.

Tweek: A fat boy with brown hair?

Davina: That's a harsher way to put it, but yes.

Tweek slaps his palm to his forehead. "Damn it... I'm so stupid. Craig warmed me and everything..."

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