Chapter 89

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Craig cleans everything up and wraps Tweek in a towel to carry back to the room.

He brings Tweek to the bathroom and starts the water. Tweek does his best to stay upright but his legs and hips were too sore.

Craig cleans Tweek and dries him off, making sure the heat from the hairdryer didn't burn him.

Tweeks mind felt fuzzy. He still felt amazing, he was in awe. Not to mention how warm he felt knowing that Craig was taking care of him.

He thought about the best way he could describe his feelings in that moment.

"True love."

"Hmm?" Craig looks over Tweeks shoulder as he spoons him in bed.

"True love. That's what I feel. Nothing else could possibly feel any better than what I feel right now. I fell so hard, so fucking hard..."

Craig kisses the back of Tweeks neck. "I love you too, honey."

"I'll do it."


"I'll talk to Timothy. I'll see what we can do about getting an early retirement. I'll see if he can void our contracts."

"You mean it?"

"I do... I want to spend the rest of my life with you..."

"It's funny you should say that."


Craig gets out of bed and gets a small box from his coat pocket.

Tweek sits up.

Craig goes to the foot of the bed in front of Tweek and gets down on one knee.

Tweek gasps and cups his hands over his mouth.

Craig opens the box to reveal two golden rings. "Tweek. I've met the love of my life. You. I don't think I can live without you, I want to keep you next to me forever. I want to grow old with you, I want to love you like this for the rest of my life... Tweek, will you... marry me?"

"YES!!!" Tweek yells, tears start to form in his eyes. "YES! YES YES YES!!" 

Craig stands up and kisses Tweek. He takes out one of the rings and slips it onto Tweeks ring finger. It's a perfect fit.

Tweek takes the other ring and puts it on Craig. They have little hearts engraved on them. Craigs is a bit thicker than Tweeks, but Tweeks was more detailed.

"Matching engagement rings..." Tweek looks at his hand, and wipes a tear from his eye, "I never thought I would get to be this happy. I didn't think it was in the cards for me..."

"Me neither... You bring out the best in me, Tweek."


Their lips meet. A long, passionate kiss. The kind of kiss you only read about in fairytales. The kind of kiss that proves just how real love can be.

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