Chapter 103

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Wendy looks at her arm display. "Looks clear. The cameras are off."

The group sneaks in and finds the closet without any issues.

They go down the hidden elevator and step into a room full of security guards.

Craig rolls up his sleeves, "Let's do this."

He starts taking the guards down one by one. Wendy hacks into the security system while he distracts them.

Craig beats them all with the help of Stan.

Wendy points to a screen. "Right there. The console is three rooms to the left."

"Alright. Let's get Craig down there so he can find that wire." Stan says.

Wendy hands Craig a box of micro tools he can use to get the console. "Good luck."

He takes the box. "Thanks."

Craig, Stan, and Tweek run down the hall. They find the console room.

"I'll stay out here and guard. Let me know if you need help."

"You too."

Tweek and Craig get started on the console.

"Do you see it?" Tweek asks, trying to be supportive.

"Not yet. It's really small but it's the only one glowing. I just need a few minutes."


He searches while Tweek looks around the room.

"What are you doing here?!" Stan's voice outside of the door.

"Step aside."

The door opens. Tweek gets in a position to fight.



"Been a while."

"Why are you here?!"

"Craig owes me a favor. I'm here to claim it."


Craig turns around. "This is the worst possible time to be claiming a favor. What do you want?"

"Let me destroy it. I'm getting the glory this time."

"I can't do that. I'm the only one who can see-"

"I saved your boyfriend's life."


"All the more reason to give this to me."

"I told you, I can't. If you just let me explain-"

Cartman holds up his hand, prepared to use his power. "You better step away from it if you don't want to get hit."


Cartman pulls out a small gun, "Then I'll use firearms."

"IDIOT!" Craig slowly walks towards Cartman. "We need to talk this out. I have a good reason to stop you."

"I don't want to hear it."

"He's telling the truth!" Tweek starts to prepare to fight.

"You have been the biggest thorn in my side since day one, Tweek. I've had enough of you."

"Good! Cause both of us are leaving after we take this down. Just calm down and-"

*bang bang bang*

He shoots the console three times. It starts to spark.

Craig grabs Tweek. "RUN!"

Cartman sees this and runs out the door.


The console explodes, sending debris in every direction. Blocking the only exit.

Tweek and Craig are now trapped.

"Shit!" Craig starts using his power and punching the rock in front of him, but it just won't budge.

Tweek looks around the room. The ceiling is starting to collapse. "This whole place is going down..."

"Damn it! Why won't this break!?"

Tweek turns on his earpiece. "Toolshed, Callgirl. Are you guys out?"

"Yes! What happened in there?!"

"Cartman blew it. How's the structure look from out there?"

"Not good," Wendy responds. "I'd say there's about a minute before the whole building falls."

"I see..."

"You guys got out, right?"

Tweek looks at Craig, who is running out of energy trying to break the wall. "No, Callgirl, I'm sorry, but this is it."

"What?! Tweek-"

He takes out his earpiece and throws it to the floor. Then he goes over to Craig.

He grabs his fist. "Stop. It's over."

"Damn it... I don't want you to have to go out like this... I want you to live... you and I were gonna get married. We were gonna open a coffee shop..." Craig looks angrily at the rubble blocking their path.

"I know... but it's over. This was what fate decided for us."

"Fuck fate."

Tweek gives a painful smile. "About 30 seconds until this all comes down."

"Damn it... we need to take the pills, being crushed isn't a good way to go."

Tweek agrees. "Okay, at the same time."

"Right... I love you. I love you so much, Tweek Tweak."

"I love you too Craig Tucker. I'll see you on the other side."


Tweek holds a cyanide pill in his front teeth, and Craig does the same.

They kiss, crushing both the pills together and swallowing the cyanide. They hold hands as their bodies numb and their hearts stop beating.

Thank you for reading Creek - Hero.

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