Chapter 88

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-Smut warning-

Craig takes Tweeks wrists and spins him around so he is pinned to the wall. He presses his knee to Tweeks crotch and kisses him.

"Mmm!!!" Tweek squirms. "Wait! Let's get in the room first! I wanna feel the effects it has."

Craig kisses Tweek again as he carries him to the sauna.

Craig was already hard, it had been so long since he had sex. "Tweek?"


He sets Tweek down on his back, "let me destroy you."

Tweek smiles, "Okay. Fuck me up."

Craig bites Tweeks neck multiple times. He makes his way down his chest, leaving a trail of hickeys as he traveled Tweeks body.

"Ahh..." Tweeks body started to tingle.

Craig starts to grind against Tweek as he sucks on his chest. Tweek could tell Craig was getting impatient.

"I-it's okay... skip the foreplay, just fuck me..." Tweek was suprised to hear how shaken his voice sounded. The healing properties in the air were enhancing Craig's sexual desire, so much that it started to amplify Tweeks on top of the immense amount he was already feeling himself.


Craig looks up at Tweek. "Did you just cum?"

"Ahhh.... Yes... fuck..."

"Should I stop?"

"No, keep going. I'm already hard again..."

Craig sees the red that is overtaking Tweeks face. "This place really is amazing."

Craig removes all the remaining clothing they had on. He begins to stroke Tweeks dick against his own.

"Mmph..." Craig bites his lip and furrows his brow. The pleasure was almost too much.


Tweek releases again, panting.

"So fucking sexy..." Craig lifts Tweeks legs and positions himself in between them. "I'm going in... it might hurt since I didn't prepare you. Hold onto me tightly. Remember that I'm right here. Keep those pretty eyes on me."

"MMMPHH!!! AHH! F-fuck!!!" Tweek screams as Craig thrusts all the way in on his first go. "HAAHH!!! OH-"

"Holy shit... you're so... tight..." Craig's voice goes a bit higher than usual, he feels like he's being squeezed.

"MMM!!" Tweek cums for a third time, still erect. "Oh god... yes... so much... feels so... this place..."

Craig kisses Tweeks neck and begins to thrust.

"YES! RIGHT THERE!!!" Tweek digs his nails into Craig's back.

"ACK-" Craig cums for the first time, but he doesn't stop thrusting. He pushes his seed deeper and deeper with every push. It's overstimulating but the ecstasy was too good to pass up.

"S-so deep-" Tweeks eyes roll back in his head and he arches his back. "Somethings- somethings coming- my body- NNNGH!!!"

Tweek begins to shake. A level of orgasm he had never felt before overtook him.

"Fuck... you're squeezing me..."

They both finish one last time. Tweek wheezes to catch his breath and Craig looks down at him, admiring the mess he just made of his boyfriend.

Drool was dripping down Tweeks chin and neck. His eyes were teary and his face was a deep shade of red. Tweek was covered in his own semen, and his hole was leaking from Craig's. His eyes were still rolled back slightly and his expression was pure, definite pleasure.

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