Chapter 90

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Once Tweek was feeling well enough to walk, he went down to Dr. Timothy's office.

"I'm glad to see you feeling better, Tweek."

"Thank you sir... I actually need to talk to you about something..."

"What is it?"

"Uhm... Craig and I would like to discuss perhaps ending our contacts early..."

"What brings this on?"

Tweek holds up his hand to show the golden ring.

"I see. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"You understand it's difficult for me to let my best employee go..."

"I do... I understand it would put a dent in the plans to stop the facilities..."

"Indeed... however, we are all about freedom. It wouldn't be right for me to keep you here forever. How about this. One final facility. Take your team to one last battle, then I will void your contracts."

"Sir, that would be fantastic! Are you really willing to do that?"


"Who would take my place?"

"Stan and Wendy have considerable power and tactical skills. We can put them in charge and combine the two teams into one."

"Perfect! When do we get the assignment?"

"Kenny is on his way back now. He should have a new facility map by the end of the day."

Tweek smiles, "Thank you!"

He runs back to the room. "Craig!! Guess what?"


"He says he is willing to void our contracts if we go on one final mission!"

"Nice! Guess we can save the wedding planning until after."

"Right. We can still discuss it..."

"Did you already have an idea?"

"I think Stripe should be the ring man."

Craig smiles, "I love you."


Tweek calls for a meeting the next morning.

Craig has to come in late due to a scheduled training.

Wendy and Stan arrive together and sit at the round table. Wendy gets out her laptop and opens it, "so, Tweek. How was it?"

"How was what?"

She looks up at him, "I run security for this place, Tweek. I saw you and Craig go into the rec room. You were in there for a while and then he carried you out in his arms. I'm smart enough to know what's going on."

Tweeks face gets red, "Oh... uhm... it was good..."

Stan laughs. "I can tell. Based on your limp today."

Wendy kicks Stan under the table. "Manners, Stan."


"Anyway. What's with this meeting? Did we get our next assignment?"

"We did. But first, I have some important news."

"What is it?"

"After this mission, the two teams will be combined into one force. With you two as the leaders."

"Really? A promotion? What about you?"

"Both Craig and me are retiring."


Tweek holds up his hand to reveal his ring. He smiles proudly. "Got bigger plans."

"Oh my god! Congratulations! We are invited to the wedding, right?"

"Of course, you two are basically my only friends, I'd be hurt if you didn't come."

Wendy smiles. "So much good news today!"

Wendy jumps up and hugs Tweek, knocking him back. His legs were still weak. Wendy catches him and holds him up. "Jeez, looks like someone did a number on you."

"Or in him." Stan comments.

"Oh, stop!"

Wendy looks back at Tweek, "You okay?"

A hand covers Tweeks eyes. "I can help him up."

Craig pulls Tweek up and helps him to a chair.

"Craig? Why did you cover my eyes?"

"No reason."

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