Chapter 105

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"I'm through! I got it!"

"Okay, I'll go to the sewer opening up top."

Stan lifts the boys again. His muscles were burning and his broken bones were cutting through his skin, but he continued forward through sheer willpower.

He gets the boys down into the pipe, luckily, it was dry. Seemed to be closed down.

The air around Stan was thick, he was running out of oxygen.

He pushes through to a ladder. He tries to climb it but he was rendered too weak.

"Wendy... I'm under... the... ladder... I can't breathe.. I-" he passes out.


Wendy wedges open the manhole cover. She shines a light down and sees Stans orange sunglasses. "Found you."

She calls in ground support from the nearby FP branch before climbing down to check on everyone.

All of them were unconscious, but still breathing. Craigs breath was more shallow than the others, he was closest to death.

"Let's get you out first..."

When the support comes they lower a rope. Wendy ties it around Craig and they lift his limp body out of the sewer. Then they get Tweek, then Stan.

All three of them are rushed to the medical wing of the FP branch. Wendy stays with Stan until he wakes up. Stans left arm is in a cast and most of his body was bandaged up.

Stan opens his eyes and slowly sits up. He turns to Wendy.

She starts to cry, "If you ever scare me like that again, I'll kill you."

Stan takes her hand, "I know. I'm sorry, that must've been really hard to watch..."

"It was! You're an idiot, Stan Marsh!"

"I am."

Wendy sighs. "A heroic idiot."

"I just didn't want anyone else to die, I can't handle much more of that."

"I know. I'm glad you got them out. I'm still mad though."

"I'll cook dinner for a year, and I'll do all the dishes. I'll make it up to you."

"I'm holding you to that."

"How are they?"

"Tweek is stabilizing. The doctors say he might make it."

"And Craig?"

"I don't know. They had to rush him into surgery."

"When I found him he was leaning over Tweek. I think he was trying to lessen the blow on Tweeks body. He took most of the damage..."

"What happened in there?"

"You aren't going to like this."

"I already don't."

"We had a surprise visitor. Eric Cartman found us. He shot at the console, something about wanting the glory. He ran out after it exploded and I started chasing him, I didn't want to let him get away again. I chased him outside, but he disappeared. That's when I saw you, and then I heard Tweek say goodbye and the building started falling. I ran back in and threw out one of my shields to block off the rubble. The best I could do was make it fall slower. At least it didn't destroy their bodies."

"First order as the new team leaders for the FP foundation. I have a proposal."

"What is it?"

"Me and you, duo mission. We find and kill the Coon."

"Kill Cartman?"

"It's long overdue."

Stan looks down at his broken bones. He thinks about how Tweek and Craig had to commit suicide because of Cartman. "Okay, let's kill him."

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