Chapter 96

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Tweek returns to his assigned desk and meets with Davina again.

"How was your lunch break, Frank?"

"Good. Just got some fresh air. What about you?"

"It was good. Are you ready to continue?"

"Of course."

She smiles. "You're pretty chill, you know that?"

"I guess."

"Most new hires who train under me are scared of me. It's refreshing to have someone treat me like a normal person."

"You are just a normal person. Or am I mistaken?"

"Yeah. Normal. Just like you and everyone else."

Tweek felt a hint of hesitation behind those words. He decided he needs to keep a closer eye on her.

"So, Frank, what did you do before this? You look pretty young, did you just get out of school?"

"I've been out for a few years. Been working for smaller companies."

"I see. You must be around my age then."


Davina takes Tweek to the printing floor. "This is where all the papers get printed. If you need copies of anything, you come here. The reporters work full time on this floor. So unless they're out on a job, you can find them here."

She starts to leave but trips on a stack of papers someone had just dropped.

Tweek reaches out and catches one of her arms, helping her back to her feet before she hits the ground.

The boy who dropped the paper starts apologizing over and over, but Davina just glares at him, making him back down and return to his seat.

She takes Tweek out into the hallway and around a corner. It's a dead end.

"Davina? Where are we going?"

She sighs. "I just needed to get out of there. Thanks for catching me."

"No problem. Are you okay?"

"I am. God... you're so much nicer than they say you are..."


She stands so that she's blocking the exit to the hallway. "They said you were evil. But you aren't. I never know who to trust."

"What are you talking about?"

Davina reaches up and pulls the black wig Tweek was wearing off of his head. "I knew it was fake."


"Tweek. Right? FP? I've heard a lot about you. And I'm pretty sure I know what you're here for. I'm a subject down in the lab, but you probably already figured that out."

"I did."

"But you still acted kind to me."

"I believe all subjects in facilities are victims."

"Interesting... you're really interesting..."

"What are you gonna do now? Both of our covers have been blown."


She looks at him and smiles.

"What are you- mm!?"

She pulls him down and kisses him. Grabbing his hand and sliding it under her shirt.

*snap* the sound of a camera down the hall.

Tweek pushes her away. "The fuck are you doing?!"

She gets close to Tweeks ear and whispers. "I'm being blackmailed. I was told I needed to do that right here. Trust me, this isn't my intention. I want to help you get info." She slides a paper into his pocket. "Text me tonight, that's my phone number. I can help."

She lets go of Tweek and leaves. Tweek puts his wig back on and tries to catch up, but he lost her. "Fuck."

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