Not a damn thing.

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Request - could you do one that is smut-ish. kacye maybe comes home from a long day at work and then tries to idk like "smut" and _____ just puts tries to enjoy everything but isn't and kacye sees right through it and then she just cries and apologizes but he ends up comforting her.

You felt Kayce wrap his arms around you from behind. It startled you slightly, having been lost in your own thoughts. You didn't hear him come in or his boots on the floor. Kayce pressed his lips to your cheek and sighed.

"Sorry," He mumbled.

"S'okay," You breathed out. "I didn't hear you."

Kayce pressed another kiss under your jaw. You took a shaky breath as his hands smoothed down your sides to your hips.

"How w-was your day?" You asked, trying to subtly turn your head away from Kayce.

"Better now," Kayce's lips danced to your neck.

He didn't know.

Kayce didn't know you had had one of the worst days you could remember in a long time. It had been building. It wasn't just one single issue that made you feel how you were feeling.

It started a week ago, a fight with your sister went too far and feelings were hurt. Then your mom took your sister's side. Then two days ago, the service company you were an office coordinator for announced layoffs were coming before the start of the second quarter. The whole place felt like a crypt now when you would go in.

And this morning your jeans were too snug around your hips. It had put you in the worst mood, but you had shoved all your tears down deep. It was silly, but it was real for you.

Kayce's teeth grazed against your skin before he kissed your jaw again. You placed your hands over his and sighed.

"Let's go to the bedroom..." Kayce mumbled against your skin, his finger digging into your hips.

"W-What?" You asked, trying to by some time.

"Baby..." Kayce slowly turned you around in his arm.

He had that look on his face and it made you feel worse with how you were acting. His eyes were hooded, his lips in a love-drunk smile...he was happy. He wanted this; he wanted you. You were scared he'd see something was wrong, so you leaned up on your toes and held the side of his face while you kissed him. You tried to push everything from your mind and just be in the moment with Kayce. His hands moved to wrap around your back as he kissed you back.

But then Kayce slowed his movements. You felt his hands pause where they were, holing you against his front. His lips stopped moving against your and that's what made you open your eyes to see Kayce looking back at you. But his face had changed.

"What?" You asked, leaning forward again but Kayce pulled back.

"What's wrong?" Kayce asked.

"Nothing," You said quickly, plastering on a fake smile.

Kayce's hand moved from around you, resting on your hips as he looked at you. He knew he knew. You sighed heavily as you lowered back down on your heels looked up at him.

"What happened?" Kayce asked you.

The caring tone in his voice made a lump in your throat rise. You knew your eyes were watering because Kayce reached up and cupped your cheek with one of his hands.

"N-Nothing m-major..." You stuttered.

"Y/N," Kayce grew concern. "Tell me what's wrong. Did I do something?"

"No," You shook your head and sighed. "'s not you, it's me."

Kayce waited patiently for you to compose yourself. You brushed under your eyes with your fingertips, catching a few stray tears. Blinking rapidly, you noticed Kayce hadn't moved an inch. Your hands dropped to your sides. Slowly, Kayce leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek.

"You wanna tell me what's going on with you now?" He asked gently.

It all came out of you like word vomit. You told him all the details that were eating away at your mind, at record speed. When you finished, you shut your mouth with a pop and blinked back at him. There was part of you scared he would find you ridiculous.

"If I know you," Kayce started. "And I feel like I know you pretty well..."

"Better than most," You mumbled.

"Then the work stuff is more you concerned about others than yourself," Kayce nodded. "Baby, if you were to get laid off then you'd come right back here to me and be just fine."


"I know you don't want to be the heir's girlfriend only," Kayce smirked. "But what I'm saying'd be just fine."

"It's not just me though," You said. "Others can't go home to their ranching heir boyfriend."

"I know," Kayce nodded. "I love that you care for others, but there are things in life we can't control."

You nodded.

"I'm sorry about your mom and sister," Kayce said. "You are the oldest though...and take it from a younger sibling, parents usually side with us because that's how it's always been."

"Are you calling me Beth?" You asked him, raising your eyebrow.

"Not at all," Kayce laughed, pulling you closer to him. "Maybe try talking to them...without the yelling part?"

"I just start crying," You mumbled.

"Means you care," Kayce smiled. "But then maybe take some time, collect your thoughts, and then try again?"

You blinked back at him, agreeing with his words.

"Alright," You nodded.

"Feel a little better?" Kayce tilted his head to the side.

"A little," You felt a small smile cross your lips. "Thank you...sorry about not being, it wasn't you."

"I know," Kayce led you over to the couch and sat down with you, letting you snuggle up next to him.

His hand rubbed up and down your side as you settled against him, finally relaxing after a week or so of feeling so wound tight. His hand moved to rest against your hip and you felt his lips brush against your forehead.

"Oh...and there ain't a damn thing wrong with your jeans," Kayce said.

You giggled, looking up at him.

"Not a damn thing," Kayce winked at you.

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now