What makes you think I want him back? - Part Two

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Request – What makes you think I want him back? – Part 2

You were sitting in the waiting room, your knee bouncing up and down as you glanced at the clock again. Kayce was late...about twenty minutes late now.

"Ma'am?" The nurse behind the counter asked. "We're ready for you if you'd like to come on back?"

"Okay," You sighed and stood up, your little round bump on display in your dress.

You walked over to the door she had opened up for you and stopped.

"I um, there might be a guy who comes in looking for me," You said. "If you could just"

"We get late fathers all the time," The nurse smiled. "We'll send back Mr. Y/L/N when he gets here."

"Oh, it'll be Dutton," You said with a smile. "Kayce Dutton will be his name."

"Oh, got it," The nurse nodded and then led you back to the exam room.

You were finding out the sex of your and Kayce's baby today. Kayce was supposed to meet you at the appointment but clearly, something happened. Or you prayed something had happened because if not, then you're pretty sure you'd be giving birth in the prison for killing Kayce.

You changed into the gown they laid out for you and sat back on the exam chair/table. Your doctor came in shortly after with a smile.

"Howdy, Y/N," He reached over and patted your arm. "How are we feeling now?"

"Tired and big," You looked down at your bump.

"Then you're right on track," He laughed. "Kayce not here this time?"

"I don't know where he is," You shrugged. "But if you have something that'll put him to sleep...if you could slip that into my bag when I leave that would be great."

"Oh, I'm sure he's just running behind," Your doctor turned on the machine and started punching in buttons.

"Well, he can start running-"

"Sorry! I'm sorry!" Kayce busted through the exam door. "I know, I'm late...there was this cow and it blocked...never mind."

"Welcome, Dad," Your doctor laughed. "You're right on time...we were just getting started."

Kayce walked over to you and gave you an 'I'm sorry' smile. You were about to say something when you felt the cold gel on your stomach and gasped.

"Sorry," Your doctor took the wand and moved the gel around.

Pretty soon after you heard the heartbeat. The sound never gets old for you, you reached for Kayce's hand. He laced his fingers through yours and leaned down next to where your head was.

"There's the baby," Your doctor pointed to the screen. "Heartbeat's healthy and strong."

You smiled, looking at your little baby on the screen. You felt Kayce press a kiss to your temple as your doctor leaned in closer to the screen.

"Alright," He looked at you. "And we want to know the sex, correct?"

"Yes," You said as Kayce nodded.

"Okay," The doctor glanced back at the screen. "Then congratulations...you're having a little girl."


You and Kayce had created a tradition that you would go get ice cream after every doctor's appointment. You sat next to him as you ate your chocolate chip from your bowl while Kayce licked his chocolate ice cream off a cone.

"A little girl," You said with a smile.

"Mmhmm," Kayce nodded. "I'm gonna be outnumbered."

"You're gonna love it," You nudged his shoulder with yours.

"I am," Kayce blushed. "Always thought a daughter would be fun."

"Still happy about all of this?" You asked him.

Kayce looked over at you and reached behind you with one arm to hold your shoulders. You leaned into him more.

"I am happy," Kayce nodded. "I have you back, and now we're gonna have a daughter."

"Why were you late today?" You asked him softly.

"There was a dead cow in the road on my way here," Kayce sighed. "You can't make this up."

"Ranch life," You shook your head.

"Speaking of ranch life..." Kayce licked his ice cream. "Have you thought about my offer?"

"To move in with you?" You asked and Kayce nodded. "I have."

"And?" Kayce blinked over at you.

"Well, the dead cow in the road is certainly a selling point," You raised your eyebrow.

"That wasn't on our ranch," Kayce sighed. "I mean it, Y/N...we need to be a family, I want to be there to take care of you now and then when the baby comes. There's plenty of space on the ranch...it'll be the perfect place to raise her."

"I know it would be," You twirled your spoon around your cup.

"Then why are you hesitating?" Kayce asked. "Is it me?"

"No, it's not you," You looked up at him. "The very thought of you holding our daughter in our home makes me want to cry with happiness."

"Then what is it, baby?" Kayce looked at you.

"I'm just scared of the future," You answered honestly. "I'm scared of what could happen. I know you'll protect her with everything...but it's not just us on that ranch."

"Nothing will ever happen to her," Kayce promised. "Or you for that matter...I won't let that happen."

"You can't promise that and live at the Yellowstone," You gave Kayce a small smile. "But it's nice to hear you say it."

"Move in with me," Kayce asked again. "Please."

You tossed your cup in the trashcan next to the bench and leaned back against Kayce. Reaching up, you smooth your finger over his beard as you looked into his eyes.

"Okay," You said softly.

"Yeah?" Kayce smiled.

"Yeah," You nodded, giggling as Kayce pressed a kiss to your lips. 

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