My knight in... dusty armor.

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Request - Kayce is dating someone with asthma or limited vision from being born early. One day the reader has trouble doing something and questions why he is with her. But Kayce reassures the reader how lucky he is to be with her. 

Your lungs were screaming at you, and it was only halfway through the ride up the mountain. Kayce had promised you a Saturday of just the two of you. Since both of your lives had been busy with work and ranch life, you jumped at the opportunity. You just didn't realize it would entail riding up to the hot springs in the mountain. 

When you were six you were diagnosed with asthma. It took a few years of development for them to get the right type of inhaler to help you when attacks would come on. It took another few years for you to master listening to your body to watch for signs. Once you got through school, you became an expert but that didn't mean you didn't have flare ups every now and then. 

You could feel one coming on. 

"You alright?" Kayce asked you, looking back on his horse. 

You fixed your face immediately.

"Sure," You nodded. "Just taking it in."

Kayce looked around you like you were crazy. 

"There's just trees here, babe," He smirked at you. 

"But they're pretty trees," You argued. 

Kayce turned and continued on. Your smile dropped and you tried taking a deep breath. Your air caught and you felt yourself cough hard. Pressing on your chest, you nudged your horse forward. 

By the time you caught up to Kayce at the springs, you weren't doing well. When he looked over at you while tying his horse up, you saw his expression change to worry. 

"Kayce..." You coughed hard and leaned forward. 

"Hey...Y/N," Kayce ran up to you, holding your waist. "Here... get down."

You slipped down and landing in Kayce's hold. You just couldn't catch your breath though. You were gasping as Kayce pulled you away from your horse some.

"Where's your inhaler?" Kayce asked you, rubbing your back. 

"...bag..." You pointed as you heaved. 

Kayce stepped back and rummaged through your bag until he pulled out your inhaler. He handed it to you holding the back of your hand as you placed it between your lips. You tried to suck in as you pressed down. 

It took a while, but eventually you felt like some air got through. Between your coughing and inhaling, you were able to calm down. You found yourself sitting down on the ground, Kayce kneeling next to you. 

Slowly you opened your eyes, the ability to get air into your lungs bringing some life back to you. Looking over, you found Kayce watching you. He gave you a sad smile, rubbing your back gently. 

"Breathe," He told you. 

You took a deep breath and lowered your inhaler. 

"M'sorry," You mumbled. 

"What're you sorry for?" Kayce asked, taking a seat next to you on the grass. 

You shook your head. 

"Y/ had an attack," Kayce said. "It's not your fault." 

"I had an attack from riding," You frowned, looking at him. "Riding a damn am I supposed to do this when I can't even do that?"

"Do...what?" Kayce asked. 

"This," You sighed, pushing your hair out of your face. 

Kayce leaned forward and cupped your cheek. He turned you so you were looking at him. 

"What're you talking about?" He asked. 

"I can't even ride up with my boyfriend on the one Saturday we were supposed to have a good time together," You felt your eyes get teary. "Because my body hates me and the outdoors." 

"But you fixed it," Kayce said. "You had an attack and you fixed it with your inhaler...and now you're better and it's okay."

"Still have an attack," You mumbled. 

Kayce smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your lips. 

"This doesn't define you," Kayce told you. "Unless you let it." 

You leaned backwards, laying down and sighing out loud. Kayce leaned on his elbow next to you. He pressed his hand over your stomach. You looked up at him and couldn't help but return his smile. You covered his hand with both of yours. 

"I'm sorry," You said again. 

"I know," Kayce leaned down and kissed you again. "But I wouldn't have you any other way."

"Really?" You asked him. 

"It's part of you," Kayce shrugged. "And if to have you I sometimes have to save your life by giving you your inhaler, then it's a price I'm willing to pay." 

He winked at you. 

"My knight in... dusty armor," You joked. 

"Cute," Kayce rolled his eyes and stood up, walking over to make sure your horses were okay. 

You stood up slowly, making sure you were actually okay. You were dusting off your bum when Kayce's shirt flew at your face. You pulled it down, glaring over to see him taking his clothes off except his boxers. You laughed as he waded over and climbed into the spring closest to you. 

"You coming?" Kayce asked you, resting his arms out. 

You shook your head but slowly got undressed, leaving you in your bra and underwear. Making your way over, Kayce held your hand as you stepped over and sat down next to him. Taking a deep breath, you relaxed finally. Kayce pressed a kiss to your temple. 

"Better?" He asked. 

"Mmhmm," You opened your eyes and looked at him. "Thank you." 

The two of you enjoyed the rest of your Saturday without another interruption. 

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