Search Party

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Request - Kayce and reader are just enjoying the outdoors and no one's seen them for a while so john starts to worry so they go on a search party.

John walked through the kitchen, looking for anyone. Gator was stirring something in a large pot and glanced over at him.

"Hey, Mr. Dutton," Gator said. "Supper has about ten more minutes."

"Thanks, Gator," John sighed. "You seen Kayce or Y/N?"

"Seen?" Gator looked back over his shoulder.

"They went out riding after lunch...haven't been back," John said.

"No, sir," Gator shook his head. "But you know young lovers...I reckon they've lost track of time."

"Kayce doesn't lose track of time," John shook his head.

"He does when Y/N is with him," Gator chuckled but John had already walked out of the room.


"You need to get off me," You giggled.

"I can't," Kayce sighed.

"You won't," You playfully pushed against his chest, "There's a difference."

"You smell too good," Kayce nudged his nose against your neck.

"Kayce!" You laughed.

"Mmmm, say my name again," Kayce tickled your sides.

"Get! Off!" You huffed.

Finally, Kayce rolled off you from where the two of you had made a little nook out under a large tree. The roots were so massive, they jetted out of the ground, creating a lower area to hide you both away from the summer heat.

Kayce had taken you riding up along the river to this spot, the two of you settling in and escaping all your problems of the real world for a few hours. But you could tell by the sun dipping low, you were well past the time you should have been back.

"Put your shirt back on," You sat up, readjusting your summer dress and reaching for your boots.

"You're sitting on it," Kayce tugged at his shirt he had placed down for your head to lay on.

"We're so late," You stood up. "Your daddy is gonna kill us."

"I'd like to see him try," Kayce mumbled as he buttoned up his shirt.

Your eyes dipped low to where his fingers were working on the buttons and your mind got a little hazy.

"Eyes up, baby," Kayce smirked over at you. "You had your chance."

"I'm a lady," You rolled your eyes and slipped your boots on. "You ain't getting under my dress until we've actually dated...awhile."

"I've known you since we were six," Kayce laughed, pulling his own boots on.

"That's not dating," You shrugged and walked over to where Kayce's horse was tied up.

"I've taken you into town," Kayce followed you. "Taken you dancing...kissed you like a boy should...what're you waiting for?"

"For you to ask!" You laughed.

"Ask what?" Kayce watched you climb up into the saddle.

"You've never asked me to be your girlfriend," You smiled down at him.

"Are you being serious right now?" Kayce said.

"As a heart attack," You smirked.

Kayce stared up at you for a little bit, analyzing your words.

"Y/N...?" Kayce sighed.

"Yes, darlin'," You drew out your words.

"Would you, pretty please, do me the honor," Kayce placed his hands over his heart dramatically. "Of being my girl...officially?"

You opened your mouth to say something smart when a voice yelled out.


You and Kayce looked over to see Lloyd galloping your way fast. Soon, four more wranglers and John came around the bend of the trees.

"Told you he was gonna kill us," You said as Kayce turned to face them, you stayed on the horse.

"The fuck have you been doing?" John snapped.

"What's the problem?" Kayce asked.

"You've been gone for hours," John said.

"And?" Kayce asked,

You rolled your eyes at his behavior. Kayce and John had been at each other's throats for the past...well, ten years. Since Kayce's mom died when he was nine, it's like he and John were on different paths headed to the same destination.

"Shit, Kayce," John sighed. "It's the middle of summer. There's all types of fucking animals out here and you're just gonna lead Y/N to them?"

"I know what to do with animals," Kayce argued. "And so does Y/N...don't make her into some little girl."

You raised your eyebrow.

"You need to be more responsible," John continued. "I can't waste wranglers out looking for your ass every evening."

"No one asked you," Kayce shook his head.

John blinked at Kayce before charging his horse up to where Kayce was standing. Thinking John would run him over you screamed for him to stop and John did, but Kayce flinched anyway.

"Get back to the ranch," John turned his horse. "And Y/N?"

"Yes, sir?" You sighed.

"You need to go home tonight," John kicked his horse to race off, the wranglers following him.

Kayce waited for them to turn the corner before silently climbing up behind you and walking his horse back in the same direction. You were quiet, knowing Kayce was fuming behind you.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, Kayce placed his hand not holding the reins down low on your stomach. You smiled, placing your hands over his. Kayce leaned his chin on your shoulder as the two of you rocked with the steps of the horse.

"Yes," You said after a while.

"What?" Kaye asked.

"My answer to your question," You turned your head and kissed Kayce's nose. "Yes, I'll be your girl."

Kayce pulled you back against his chest. He kicked his horse who took off, your laughter filling the valley as he rode into the main part of the ranch. 

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