Ain't a problem anymore.

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Request - Would love to see maybe the episode where Teeter and Colby get trampled by the horses, y/n is with them and they can't find her after they get out of the water (she's hurt badly) and they race back to tell Kacey (her husband) and they race back to find her and get her treated. 

You were hacking up water as you clung to the mud on the river bank. You knew stopping for a quick dip in the river wasn't a good idea...but it had been such a hot day and the cool water felt so good on your skin. Plus, you laughed at how Teeter made Colby so uncomfortable. But then some men who had beef with John showed up and tried to trample all of you. 

After a horse kicked you in the face, you gave up and let the river carry you on. You weren't sure how far you had traveled when your head broke the water and you ended up being able to sink your nails in the mud and hoist yourself halfway up onto the bank. 

You were only in your tank top and underwear, the rest of your clothes back with your horse. You rolled onto your back, having coughed up the remaining water. 

"Fuck," You breathed out and winced. 

Reaching for your side, you pulled up your tank top and saw a large bruise forming over your ribs. You must have been kicked or stomped on. You could only breathe in and out in short bursts. There was no way you could get back to your horse right now. 

You weren't sure how long you lay there. The sun had moved a good way down though and you knew something had to change before nightfall. You couldn't be alone out here, almost naked, at night. The sound of horses pierced your ears. Fearing it was the same men from before, you tried to move. 

"Shit," You tried to sit up but winced, falling back with a cry. 

You held your waist as you leaned your head to the left and saw three horses turn the bend around the trees. You squinted your eyes and recognized those horses. More importantly, you recognized the one out in front. 

You didn't need to call out because Kayce saw you. He rode up and jumped off his horse, not bothering to tie him up before he was kneeling in front of you. 

"Baby..." Kayce's hands were unsure of where to touch you. 

"Kayce," You breathed out, still holding your side. 

"Where does it hurt?" He asked you, his eyes roaming your body. 

"My...side," You winced. 

Kayce gently took your tank top and moved it up. You watched is eyes darken as he pulled it back down. Kayce looked over at Rip who was holding Kayce's horse now. Kayce looked back at you. 

"Think you can ride?" He asked you. 

"I can...barely breathe," You looked up at him. 

"We can't stay here, baby," Kayce was trying to control his tone. "I need to get you to a doctor." 

You nodded slowly.

"The chopper can make it up here," Rip said. 

"Think so?" Kayce asked. 

"I don't need a chopper," You shook your head trying to sit up again. "Ah!" 

"Stop," Kayce's hand held your shoulders gently. "Stop." 

"Maybe I do," You groaned. 

"Call 'em," Kayce snapped at Rip. 


"Ouch," You said as Kayce dabbed your cut above your head. 

"Such a baby," Kayce smirked as he cleaned you up. 

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now