10 Steps to Make Him Notice You

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10 Steps to Make Him Notice You

Dean stared at the headline to the magazine article resting on his lap for about ten minutes before releasing a defeated sigh and turning the page.

1: Dress to Impress

"Fuck that." Dean growled out through gritted teeth. If this guy didn't like him in his Henley and work jeans then the guy wasn't worth it anyway. Then after a moment Dean rolled his eyes because he realized that he was already suckered into this bullshit and trying to think of any nice clothing he had in his closet.

2: Hold Eye Contact Across A Crowded Room

If Dean had a pen he would check this step off. He had been eye-fucking the guy from across the bar for nights now and all it got him was frustrated. All they had was eye contact, loads and loads of blue melting into green. That was the whole reason Dean had even bought the magazine with this article in it. He didn't even like chick magazines.

3. Laugh Along With Someone Good-Looking

Who even wrote these? Dean slid deeper into his seat and glared at the words printed on the sleek page. This was pathetically middle school in a way that made him loath the fact that he was coming up with about ten different people that he could invite out and laugh along with while he made eye contact with this guy.

4. Gravitate Closer As the Night Carries On

Dean shook his head at this. He had tried to get closer to the guy on more than one occasion but he was always disappearing when Dean would turn his head back to find him. The elusive guy was harder to catch than a big-foot.

5. 'Accidently' Bump Into Him

"Are these getting stupider?" Dean muttered out loud. If it was this easy then he would've 'bumped into' him nights ago. The problem was that the guy disappeared and all Dean was left with was this empty feeling. He knew that the guy was interested, so why the hell hadn't they ever talked yet?

6. Smile, Laugh, and Twirl Your Hair

Dean snorted. Yes, he was going to twirl his military cut hair and laugh like an insane person at everything this man said. Of course Dean imagined this man would be incredibly funny... maybe it wouldn't be too hard to laugh with him.

7. Check Your Phone

"This is ridiculous."

8. Exclaim That You Have To Go

"That seems kind of counter-productive."

9. Give Him Your Number

Dean shook his head in defeat. There was no way he could do this. When he wanted a guy he was usually able to talk, flirt, and get his number in a matter of minutes. Yet this guy had him reading a stupid magazine article like a lovestruck teenager.

10. Leave Him Wanting More

Closing the magazine, Dean closed his eyes and prayed that maybe tonight would go better than the last couple.


Their eyes met just as they had for the past week. Dean gripped tighter to his beer and swallowed whatever nerves were working their way through his body. With a final breath, he turned to his best friend Benny and started to laugh like he had heard the funniest joke ever. Benny raised an eyebrow at him but simply nodded along. The green button down was itching at Dean's neck as his laughter died down. Fuck that magazine.

With every song that passed, Dean found himself inching closer to the corner where the guy was seated. Their eyes would catch now and then and each time Dean felt his knees give out just a little. He'd never been so head-over-heels for a guy like this before and it was scaring the shit out of him.

"Here goes Step 5." Dean muttered under his breath as he bit his bottom lip and 'accidently' stepped backward into the guy's shoulder. He turned with wide innocent eyes. "Oh, sorry."

The guy gave him a polite smile, a smile that made Dean's heart ache, and nod. "It's quite alright."

Dean let out a laugh that sounded good in his head, but must have been pretty bad since the guy winced a little. His laughter died out before he cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "Let me buy you a drink."

"You don't need to." The man turned his eyes back toward the table.

Dean stood there feeling every bit of hope drain from his body. Of course that article was stupid. The guy didn't even pay enough attention for Dean to look at his phone and pretend to have to leave. Or maybe it was just because this guy was way out of his league. At that thought, Dean dropped his head and started to turn back to the dance floor.

"Cassie! Who is the hot tamale?" A hand gripped onto Dean's shoulder and spun him back around toward the handsome guy. The voice and hand were both from a short man with longish golden hair and a smile that read mischief.

"Gabriel-" The man, Cassie, glared at the shorter man.

"I'm Dean." Dean cursed himself for even being in this situation, he was only embarrassing himself now. "I was just going."

"Going?" Gabriel snorted and raised an eyebrow at the other man. "Why are you going? Cassie has been talking about you for like ever."

"Gabriel!" The man stood from his chair and the glare was turning venomous.

Dean's head started to spin on its axis. "What?"

Gabriel smirked as his eyes settled on Dean's. "Yupp. My bro has been raving about you. Pretty much crushing like a pathetic teenager."

"Stop it." Cas growled out.

Gabriel tilted his head up with an even wider smile. "Let me guess, you came over here and he was playing it cool? Ignoring you?"

Dean nodded, still not quite sure what was happening. "Pretty much."

"Jesus, Cassie." Gabriel turned back to his brother and shook his head. "I told you that stupid magazine was bullshit."

"What?" Dean finally turned and met Cas' eyes. "Magazine?"

Cas ducked his head as it flushed deeply. "I-I noticed you a little while ago." His voice wavered softly. "I thought that maybe you would be interested in me. I have no experience in 'flirting' or 'picking up guys' so I thought that I would do some research. I was 'playing hard to get' as the woman said in the article."

"You're shitting me." Dean grinned as he let out a soft chuckle. "Dude, I read an article and that's why I was trying to 'leave you wanting more' and all that."

"Unbelievable." Gabriel rolled his eyes as his hand finally slid from Dean's shoulder. "You two are the most pathetic people I've ever met."

Cas raised his head with a soft smile. "My name is Castiel Novak."

"Dean Winchester." Dean found himself moving toward Cas without paying much mind to anything else around them. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Let me buy you a drink." Cas finally seemed to lose the flush and gain a confident smile. "I believe it would be beneficial if we exchanged the knowledge we gathered from our articles."

Dean smirked. "Yeah, sure."

Gabriel stared between the two of them with a look of mock disgust. "Jesus, it actually worked."

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