I'd Do Anything For You

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My ancestors planted some sequoias by a road
I've driven down that road since I was born
Oh, never have you ever seen so many perfect evergreens
But I would chop them all down just for you.

May 1999

"What you're telling me is that you have moved around your whole life?" Cas' eyes widened a little as he shifted in the passenger seat of his best friend's Impala.

Dean nodded thoughtfully as he steered the car into a tight right turn. "My father was a ramblin' man. He told me a couple years ago that without mom to raise us he thought maybe the road could. See, he was a man of the road himself. Found all of life's answers behind the wheel."

Cas squinted at the cement in front of them speeding under them as if he could understand what the road could say if it could. "I don't understand."

Dean smiled, the small smile that he reserved just for Cas. The smile that touched his eyes before it ever touched his lips. "Not literally, Cas. Remember when we met?"

"Yes. You almost hit my mother's car."

"Yeah. Dad was teaching me to drive." Dean stole a glance over at Cas, just hoping to catch a glimpse of that endless blue. "I panicked and hit the gas instead of the brake. My first time behind the wheel and I ended up meeting my best friend."

Cas flushed and allowed his eyes to fall to his lap. "I guess so."

Dean nodded with a growing smirk as he pulled his Impala onto the shoulder and cut the engine. Castiel didn't have time to ask where they were before Dean was clambering out of the car. The two of them found themselves leaning against the hood of the Impala with their arms crossed over their chests.

"Dean, what-"

"See those trees?" Dean reached out to point at a home beside their car.

Castiel's eyes fell on a row of trees that littered the yard of a white house. "Yes..."

"My dad might have been a nomad, but my mother's family have roots. This was their house. And those trees were planted by my great great grandfather." Dean's eyes fogged over with pride. "I think that's why my father decided to settle in Greenville. It's where my mother grew up."

Castiel tilted his head at the trees, their branches bending in the wind. "We took this road trip so that you could show me your family's trees?"

Dean paused a few moments before he shrugged. "You'll never see more perfect evergreens."

Castiel smiled. "I guess you are right."

As Cas kept his eyes on the trees, Dean turned subtly and allowed himself to take in the sight of the sun shadowed across his best friend's face. Dean thought to himself, But I'd chop them all down just for you.


I have walked a million miles in a hundred pairs of shoes
In search of some universal truth
Well a deity just came to me and handed me a scroll to read
And I will gladly pass it on to you.

January 2002

"I can't believe you are turning twenty seven!" Cas howled with laughter over his can of beer. "You're almost an old man!"

Dean glared over the lid of his own beer but it melted into a lopsided smile when he caught the twinkly of Cas' laugh. "Shut up."

Cas shook his head, the smile never seeming to dissipate from his eyes. He breathed heavily as he hunched over the coffee table. "I still can't believe the sixteen year old I met all those years ago is now twenty seven."

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