Set Up Mishap

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It was like comparing apples to oranges, maybe even bananas to green beans. One was the high school star quarterback, the other the high school nobody. One went to prom with the most beautiful girl in school, the other was at home reading his latest novel. Both went to college, though one was for an sports scholarship and the other was an academic scholarship. The two boys had always been on the polar opposites of society's labels, but somehow when they mellowed into adults their worlds collided.


"I don't understand why you feel the need to set me up with someone. I am fine where I am." Dean slouched deeper into the seat of the coffee shop as his eyes scanned over every costumer in worried curiosity.

His brother's girlfriend sighed dramatically through the phone. "Coincidence that he told me the exact same thing. But here you are sitting there waiting for him and he just sent me a text that he was almost there. Suck up your pride, Dean, and take this date. The worst that could happen is it was awful and then it's over. Give him a chance, I think you two will hit it off. Now stop whining to me and meet this guy so that I don't have to here you bitch everything you come over and you are the third wheel.

Dean was just about to object him being called a bitch, but the line went dead. He grumbled as he placed his phone on the table and stared down at his steaming coffee. Why had he ever let Jessica talk him into this? When he came out to his brother about being not completely straight, he figured Sam would just nod and not bring it up. But his loud mouth little brother went and told his better half, which resulted in a blind date with one of her coworkers.

"Dean Winchester?" A rough voice called his name from somewhere beside him.

Looking up, he was met with a familiar blue eyes. After looking over the bedhead and strong jawline, he was hit with nostalgia. Holy shit. "Castiel Novak?" Dean stood up with a large smile and held out his hand.

Castiel smiled softly as his cheeks warmed. Their hands shook as both men looked each other over. "Most people just call me Cas. It is nice running into you. I haven't seen you since graduation."

"Yeah." Dean thought back to the biggest crush he had had in high school and how he was now shaking hands... for longer than should be acceptable. Quickly drawing back his hand he took a deep breath and met Castiel's eyes again. "How've you been?"

"Pretty good. You?" Castiel's eyes darted around the place once before settling on Dean's again.

"Great. You meeting someone?"

"Yes, actually." Castiel's smile faltered. "I have a date."

"You don't sound that excited." Dean grinned at the chance to leave this blind date and maybe snag Castiel, of course Dean didn't even know if he went for guys.

A slight pause before Castiel shrugged. "I don't date much. It's very tiresome and most of the men I see are only after sex."

Dean's eyes widened in shock. "Men?"

"Oh." Castiel paled. "Yes. I am gay. I didn't come out until after high school."


The two stood awkwardly a moment before Dean realized that this whole time they were talking his blind date could've walked in. If only Jessica had given him a description other than the knowledge that this guy is a paralegal.

"I should go find a table." Castiel searched the faces of the crowd again. "I don't know if he is already here or not."

"Well, it was great seeing you."

"You too."

When Castiel turned his back and started to make his way through the crowd, Dean sat back down and looked around again. Jessica had told him the dude was attractive. But there were a few guys in here that would match up to 'attractive' in her book. He couldn't help but find Castiel's eyes every now and then. He, too, seemed to be searching for his date.

The time passed as people came and went. Dean checked the time and figured that since his date was a half hour late, he could leave. Feeling the slightest tinge of rejection, Dean stood and started for the garbage to throw away his cup. When he was turning for the exit, he found himself almost colliding with Castiel.

"Woah, dude." Dean chuckled but took a step back and met his eyes. "Sorry."

"Are you an author?"


Castiel's face broke out into an amused smile. "So you are the tall, green-eyed, light brunette man that Jessica described?"

"Holy fuck." Dean didn't know if he should laugh or be even more confused. Instead he smiled and shook his head. "You're the hot paralegal?"

The deep rumble of laughter made Dean smile wider. "I guess I am."

"We are complete dumbasses. I mean, this whole time we were on a date from across the room? Waiting on each other?" Not only that, but this meant that Castiel might agree to another date, a real one. That is if he is even interested. Dean had been the nerdy bookworm in school and Castiel was the star quarterback.

"It would seem." Castiel ducked his head with flushed cheeks. "I am sorry if I was not what you expected."

"Nah, man. I'm not sorry at all. Would it be out of line if I asked what you were doing tonight? I'd like to take you on a real date."

Blue eyes rose sheepishly and met his. "I would like that Dean."

"Awesome." Dean went for his phone to hand to Castiel.



"For fuck's sake, we are not watching Hunger Games. We are going to watch American Hustle and that is final." Dean grabbed for the remote but his little brother snatched it first.

Sam smiled mockingly at Dean before sitting down on the recliner. "It's our turn to pick out a movie."

That moment Castiel and Jessica walked into the room each with a popcorn bowl in their hands. Dean grinned as Castiel plopped down on the couch beside him and melted into his side. Jessica climbed up and sat on Sam's lap just as the movie started on the TV.

The movie nights had started to get less painful when Dean had Castiel warm against his side. Every now and then he'd feel the press of lips to his neck. When they would watch horror movies and Dean would feel his husband jump, he'd wrap his arms tighter and give his forehead a kiss. For years the four of them had fallen into his routine, it kept them close.

As American Hustle came to a close, Dean craned his head to see a peacefully resting Cas tucked against his chest. It made his heart hurt to think that there could be a world out there where Jessica never set them up.

"I love you." Dean whispered as he kissed his husband's head.

"Mmm love you, Dean." Cas tilted his head up and kissed Dean's chin. "Carry me to bed."

"You two are nauseating." Sam rolled his eyes as he helped Jess up from the chair and started for the door. "See you next week."

"See ya." Dean watched his brother and sister-in-law walk out from their home.

"Bed." Cas mumbled. "Please."

"Sure thing, huggy bear."

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