Haunted House

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Prompt from : Imagine Dean and Cas going to a haunted house and Dean laughing when Cas gets really scared, then coddling him through the rest of it, then wrapping him in a blanket and making him hot chocolate when they get home.

(So... in the process of writing I might have changed a little bit of the prompt. I hope you still like it.)


"I swear, babe, it isn't gonna be that scary." Dean rolled his eyes with a grin that was exploding with childish giddiness. "Plus I already bought our tickets."

"I didn't ask you to buy me a ticket." Cas grumbled under his breath as he kicked a stone in between steps. "You know that I hate these things. Halloween is my least favorite-"

"How?!" Dean threw his hands up into the air. "How can you hate Halloween? It's my favorite!"

"I know that." Cas' heart plummeted when he saw the entrance to the haunted house in his sight. "Why do you think I let you dress me up as Robin last year?"

Dean snorted at the memory. He still had his Batman costume in the back of his closet (he still wore it sometimes when he got in the mood for justice). "And you were the cutest little Robin ever." Dean stepped toward Cas and wrapped an arm around his husband's waist.

The two fell into silence as they found themselves venturing closer to the haunted attraction. Dean was grinning to himself and trying to keep the bounce out of his step. The last time he had been to a haunted house Sammy was still in middle school and he had been so scared he hadn't slept for weeks. Castiel couldn't speak if he could try. His nerves were sky rocketing through him like he was standing on the verge of imminent death.

As they stepped up the porch steps, Dean reached into his back pocket and retrieved the tickets he had printed off the computer only yesterday. His grin was contagious to the worker who accepted their tickets. The worker nodded them along, his smile turning to a look of pity when he saw the way Castiel seemed to cower in on himself like he was trying to make himself as small as possible.

Dean wrapped an arm around Cas' waist again, drawing the other man flush against his side. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Cas' ear. "You're gonna be fine, sweetheart, I won't let anything hurt you. You know it's fake."

Castiel only nodded. He hunched his shoulders and pressed against Dean in hopes of calming the shakes that were rocking his body. He let out a deep breath as they entered into the living room. It was an odd room, Cas thought as he let his eyes roam. The walls were peeling and the furniture was covered in so much dust it was hard to tell what color anything was.

Just as he opened his mouth to tell Dean about it a loud shriek pierced the silent room and the roar of a chainsaw was heard somewhere to their left. Castiel felt tears explode from his face as his heart seemed to catch in his throat. The next thing he knew, his knees were giving out and his vision went black.


"Sweetheart?" A deep voice littered with concern was the first thing Castiel heard. "Please talk to me, Cas."


A sigh of relief warmed his left cheek. "Thank God. You scared me. Are you okay? Jesus, I shouldn't have brought you here. What was I thinking?! I knew you got scared easy and still I-"

"Dean." Even though Cas was still coming back into himself he know that his face was morphed into a bitch face. "Do not blame this on you."

Dean remained quiet until his husband's eyes opened and blue swam for a moment before settling on his own eyes. "I'm so sorry."

Cas grinned weakly. "As long as you don't hold this against me, you are forgiven."

Dean snorted and shrugged. "Sounds fair. Think you can get up?"

Castiel finally looked past Dean's head to see a woman standing there with a look of guilt riddled in her features. She was wearing blooding overalls with a mask clutched in her hand and a chainsaw without the chains in her other hand. They were still in the haunted house.

"Oh. Um-" Cas flushed when he met her eyes. "I am sorry for passing out."

The woman cracked a small smirk. "It's okay, darlin'. Happens more than you'd think. Just as long as you are okay."

Cas nodded as he stuck his hands up and allowed Dean to help him onto his feet. He still felt a little woozy so he pressed into Dean's side and buried his head into his neck. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas' torso and turned to the woman with a ginger smile.

"I think I'm gonna take my husband home." Dean's voice was filled with affection. "But this place looks really badass."

The woman chuckled. "Thanks. Make sure he drinks lots of fluids. Don't want him faintin' again any time soon."

Dean nodded before basically carrying Cas out of the house and down the stairs. As they were walking toward the impala Dean pressed a kiss to the top of his husband's hair. "Fuck, you really scared me. I mean, I was so wrapped up in the adrenaline with the chainsaw maniac that when you hit the floor beside me all I could think was that-that-" Dean's voice cut off.

Cas pressed a gentle kiss to Dean's neck. "I'm fine. Take me home."


"Can we watch a happy movie?" Cas asked from his perch on their couch with a blanket swaddled around him and a warm mug of hot chocolate pressed against his palms.

Dean rolled his eyes with a fond smile as he fell into the spot beside Cas and pulled his husband until he was practically sitting on his lap. "Of course, sweetheart. That hot chocolate isn't too hot, right? Cause I can-"

"It's perfect." Cas purred as he looked up at his husband with such love. "You're perfect."

Dean waved his hand dismissively. "If I was perfect I wouldn't have taken you to that haunted house in the first place."

"Well..." Cas leaned up and pressed his lips to Dean's for a fleeting second. His head pulled back so he could grin up into Dean's eyes. "Now you have the rest of the night to make it up to me."

The corners of Dean's eyes crinkled along with his smile. "Yeah?"

"Which means we are going to watch a happy movie with a happy ending. You are going to make me another hot chocolate when I am done with this one, one with extra extra marshmallows. Then you are going to carry me to bed and make love to me." Cas gave a teasing wink as he turned his eyes to the television and curled himself back against Dean's chest.

"That I can do." Dean smirked before pressing another kiss to Cas' head and grabbing the remote from the end table.

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