Strip Poker (Fluff)

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BY FAR THE BEST PROMPT I HAVE GOTTEN KEEP IT UP! Anyway, the prompt was for Dean teaching Cas how to play poker and it turning into Strip Poker. Dear God I am going to have so much fun with this one. I hope you enjoy.


“Here are two cards.” Dean instructed as they sat around the table in the bunker. Sam was off helping Bobby with a ghost job, so Dean took it as a perfect opportunity to teach Cas some human things. Like poker. “Now, don’t show me.”

Cas furrowed his eyebrows together as he held the cards close to his face and studied them intently. “Okay.”

Dean sighed and chuckled. Cas was already taking this way to seriously, but Dean liked it. It was something Cas had that most people didn’t. He actually tried his hardest to fit in. Dean thought it was cunning. But he knew that this night would get frustrating before it got fun.

“Now, after all the card hands I just told you, do you think those cards are good?” Dean looked at his own cards. They were complete shit, but he had been known to bluff quite well. He wouldn’t beat Cas out too early.

Cas nodded and looked over his cards innocently at Dean. “I think they will do just fine.”

“Okay. So do you want to place a bet?”


“How much?” Dean watched Cas start to think hard again.


Dean let out a low chuckle. “Two? What the hell is two?”

“Two of the blue ones.” Cas stated as he set his cards down and picked up to of his blue chips and set them in the middle of the table.

“Those are-“ Dean shook his head with a grin. “Alright. I will call you.” He picked up two of his own blue chips and tossed them into the center.

Cas nodded and then looked at Dean for further instruction. And that was the way it went for about five hands until Cas was completely dry. His chips went as he started to get more red faced and angry. Dean just chuckled his way through the hands and gladly took all of what Cas had. When the last hand was won by Dean, Cas sat back defeated in his chair.

“I want to keep playing.” Cas whined. “I want to beat you.”

“Well, you have no more chips.” Dean grinned devilishly. “You lose.”

Cas glowered as he  glared down at Dean’s fat stacks of chips. A silence fell until Cas grinned and sat forward. “I know. I saw this on one of those movies you watch. I can bet the clothes on my back.”

Dean’s eyes widened before he let out a howl of laughter. “Cas, I don’t want to see you naked, buddy.”

“You won’t. I am going to start to win. I am learning and I know how to beat you. Please.” Cas begged with his big puppy dog eyes and Dean finally nodded with a sigh.

“Alright, but when you get down to your undies, we quit. I don’t want to see your junk.” Dean figured he could at least embarrass Cas and use it against him later. He had no problem making Cas get more frustrated. He thought Cas was adorable when he got all heated over something. And the determination in his eyes made Dean smile.

“Alright, here it goes.” And he dealt another hand.


“Son of a bitch.” Cas groaned as his pile of clothes sat on Dean’s side. It took a short hour for Cas to be in nothing but his boxers. He let his head fall as his forehead smacked against the table. He groaned. “I can’t believe this.”

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