A Rose By Any Other Name

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Prompt: Rose

Pairings: Destiel

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1580

Tags: Fluff, More Fluff, So Much Fluff, Little Angst


"A rose by any other name-"

"Is still a fucking rose." Dean muttered under his breath, his patience of listening to his younger brother recite Shakespeare for a school project was running low.

Sam sent him a remarkable bitch face before clearing his throat and bringing his eyes back to the play in his hands. "You know, Dean, maybe if you were a little more of a romantic, girls would actually stick around for a second date."

Sending his brother his best glare, Dean sat back in his seat. "Maybe if you weren't such a romantic you'd actually get to second base."

"Excuse me for actually trying to woo girls, treat them like they deserve instead of having sex with them in the back of my car."

At this point, Dean was feeling heat churning in his gut. "Just say it. You think I'm a slut."

"No." Sam eyed his brother carefully. "I just think that you need to realize that women appreciate roses, and chocolates, and gifts, and being wooed. The day you actually give someone roses I will pay you a hundred dollars."



Castiel sat at the coffee shop for what felt like hours. Each glance at his wristwatch told him that in fact it had only been mere minutes. So his date wasn't running that late, but it felt as if Castiel was standing in the wake of another wasted chance at something more. He'd been stood up a number of five times before this. Each time he told himself he would stop searching, that he would throw his arms up into the sky and proclaim that he was done trying to find someone to spend the time with.

That was until a green eyed mechanic happened to bump into him as he was leaving the college he taught at. Dean Winchester, even his name seemed to make Castiel feel warm inside. The man was gorgeous beyond belief, with a smile that made Castiel know deep in his bones that Dean had never harmed a thing in his entire life. A smile that made Castiel rethink the possibility that maybe he could find happiness with someone.

And now here he was, staring at his wristwatch so he didn't have to see the way the waiter kept casting him sympathetic looks. It should have made him angry, but instead all he could feel was deflated. It was coming up on his thirtieth birthday and all he had to show for it was his ten-year. What a life.

"Hey!" A deep voice rang in his ears causing him to glance up. There stood Dean Winchester, red-faced and out of breath. "I'm not too late, am I?"

Castiel stood as the other man got close to his table and shined a smile full of teeth. His heart seemed to be doing flips. "Not by much."

Dean frowned a little and itched at the back of his neck. "Sorry. I was just heading out when Bobby said he needed me to finalize some paperwork. I got here as fast as I could."

"That's quite alright. If this date goes well, you will have my number next time and you can text me if you are running late." Cas watched with softening eyes as Dean took a seat across from him. When he sat down he saw that his waiter was making his way over with a beaming smile.

Castiel watched in silence as Dean ordered a black coffee. His eyes followed the way Dean's lips curled around his words, the way those green eyes seemed to trance anyone who stared too long into them. It was breathtaking, in a simple way that most people wouldn't notice. Everything about this man made Castiel want to know more and more until there was nothing left to discover.

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