Drunken Texts

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Castiel sprawled out on his bed and sighed deeply in an effort to let the day just ease out of his system. Today had been another endless day of taking finals for his college courses. Next year he hoped to be in medical school, that is if he passes all these tests. Relief washed over him as he is reminded that his roommate Dean was at a party tonight. He wanted the room to himself, to just relax for a few hours.

Aggravating enough, his phone buzzes. Cas easily swipes open the home screen to see that it was a text from Dean.

Loser, come join the party

Cas rolled his eyes and flipped onto his stomach before responding. No, Dean. I am tired and I just want to rest.

Dean: You think anna is hot

Cas: she is my sister

Dean: oh right why wont you come

Cas: I will see u tomorrow I am going to bed

Castiel shut off his phone and closed his eyes. Sleep easily took him hostage and he drifted into a light calming slumber.


His eyes opened to bright rays of sun climbing in through his window. Cas let out a soft groan as he rolled onto his side and let his gaze fall on Dean's bed. It was empty, which meant Dean probably went home with someone last night. Stretching his arms over his head, Cas yawned deeply and sat up. He knew his hair was a mess, and his face was probably red, but he didn't care. There were no classes today so he could just enjoy being a lazy human being. Just as every morning, he grabbed his phone to check if he had any missed calls or voicemails.

His gut dropped when he saw that there were eighteen messages from Dean. His fingers curled as he thumbed into his messaging thread and started to read from right where he told Dean he was going to bed.

Ur such a party pooper, cas

Hey I think I see your ex here

Man he looks good

No wonder you fucked him

Sorry if that was mean u no I didn't mean it


I wish you would text me back

Everyone here is boring

I miss you

If you were here I would kiss you

I think someone laced my drink

Will you come get me

Please come get me



I need you cas

Okay I will find my own way hom to u

Luv you cassie baby cetn;dfu watif to setdfe yhiou

Castiel groaned lightly as he tucked his phone into his lounge pant pocket and shot up for the door. Growling as he grabbed his keys and slipped into his shoes, Castiel felt like he was going to explode. Not only had Dean said he loved him over what was obviously a drunk text, but the man had needed Cas to come pick him up and Cas had been asleep. He had failed Dean when he needed him.

Ripping the door open something thudding against his shins and he looked down to see a blissfully asleep Dean slouched against him. Cas let out a sigh of relief, thanking God that Dean was safe and unharmed. It wasn't the first time Dean had drunk texted him saying that he loved him, but this time was different. This time Dean kept texting and called him 'baby'. Cas hated it, he hated that Dean could do this and then pretend like he didn't remember when he woke up hungover.

A low moan escapes Dean's lips as his head shifts against Cas' legs and the man slides a little further down on the floor. Castiel huffs annoyingly as he bends over and runs his hand through Dean's hair. This was typical Dean, to go out all night and just crash somewhere random. If Cas was in his right mind, he would have requested a new roommate ages ago. But he wanted to be there for Dean, the guy had no one else to look after him.

"Dean." Cas poked Dean's shoulder and shook him a little.

Dean's eyes fluttered open and Cas could see the bloodshot white. His lips curled into a smile as his head rubbed back against Cas' legs. "Morning, Cas."

"Good morning, Dean. Do you want me to make you some coffee?" Cas was about to get back on his feet when he felt a strong hand firmly gasp onto his thigh and hold him close.

"Why didn't you answer last night? I kept texting you." Dean's eyes opened wider and inspected over Cas' face. "Got worried and tried to find my way home."

"I told you I was going to bed." Cas unconsciously sucked in a breath and ran his fingers through Dean's hair again. "You shouldn't have been out and about when you were so drunk-"

"I wasn't that drunk." Dean muttered. "I just... I missed you, you know? You said that you would come to the party and you didn't. I saw Anna and I was going to go home with her-but I just thought.... I couldn't stop thinking that you would show up."

Cas sank to the floor and stared at Dean with some surprise, his mind was still trying to process exactly what Dean was saying.

"So, I came home. To where you were. But I saw you were asleep... and I just didn't want to lay there on my bed and have to stop myself from looking at you. So I slept out here." Dean sighed deeply and ran his hands over his head. "I lied I think I am still drunk."

Cas snorted, because this was classic drunk Dean. But what he said, was the truth. Everyone knew alcohol was a truth serum to Dean. So, Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's shoulders and pulled them up so they were leaning on each other. He pulled Dean into their room and shut the door behind them.

"I think you need some more sleep, Dean." Cas grinned as he easily maneuvered Dean toward his bed and let the man collapse down onto the sheets. "I will go grab some coffee from that place you love."

Dean closed his eyes and breathed out in content. "You know I love you, don't you?"

"Like a brother-" Cas recited from one of the times Dean had proclaimed love toward him.

"For such a smart guy, sometimes you are just stupid." Dean turned on his side and peered up into Cas' eyes. "What I said last night, I meant. What I texted you. Not like a brother or a friend." Then his eyes closed and before Cas could retort, Dean's rough breathing filled the room.

Cas sat back on his bed and just stared over Dean. He fumbled for his phone and opened the messages. Staring for what felt like hours at the 'luv you cassie' that Dean had typed last night. Warmness spread throughout him. Of all the people that Cas fell in love with, he would fall in love with the one person who would finally proclaim his love over a drunk text message. Cas grinned as he stood and headed out the door for the coffee. Dean was his and he didn't find himself minding at how Dean had finally admitted it.

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